Re: Now this is very strange

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ghaberek said...

Try putting puts(1,"") before you output anything else. I know on Windows there's a weird issue where the text wrapping is limited to 80 characters for the first puts() call. It's really weird, so I'm not sure if it's related to this.


Thanks for the suggestion. I am on Linux. I tried your suggestion to no avail.

The problem appears to be somehow related to my use of get_position() and position(line,column) to position the display of sequential data in neat justified columns under heading labels. I changed to using tabs which is actually simpler and now the display is as expected under all circumstances.

I still think there is a peculiar bug somewhere though - remember the display routine using get_position() and position() performed flawlessly when the interpreted code was executed from within the editor, but failed except after compiling, shrouding, binding.

I guess all is well than ends well.

Thanks again for your suggestions.


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