Re: Phix 0.8.1 uploaded

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  • off-by-one indexing does not make any sense
  • a start argument makes the regex() much more useful

The hacked regex.e file is too big for the pastey.

My hacks look like

-- builtins\regex.e 
-- ================ 
-- Routines for handling regular expressions. 
--// around line 160 
-- // provide a start argument 
--// allows easy multiple regex matches 
--//original    integer sp = 1 
    integer sp = strtndx 
--// add a start parameter 
global function regex(sequence re, string s, integer strtndx = 1) 
-- returns {} if no match could be found, otherwise an even-length sequence 
-- of capture indexes, eg regex(`(a)(b)`,"ab") yields {1,3,1,2,2,3}. 
--\\ this must not be.. 
-- Note 
-- that the goup start is the correct index for the first character but the 
-- end is always <idx of last character>+1. res[1..2] is the capture for the 
-- entire expression, and subsequent pairs for any () as read left-to-right. 
--// the fix is near roughly line 900 
--// patch return value so there is no off-by-one 
for i=2 to length(m) by 2 do 
    m[i] := m[i] - 1 
end for 
    return m 
end function 


  • only a niggle

regex.e --> is not regexes.e
struct.e --> should not be structs.e

(just some subliminal issue after reading the struct docs...)

  • := not recognized

in a struct you use `=` (as expected) but can't use `:=` (as works in the rest of phix)

thanks for your work


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