Re: unicode length

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Thank you Pete,

With a simple mapping function, almost all UTF-8 compliant functions can be built:

include std/types.e 
include std/text.e 
include std/sequence.e 
constant FROM=1, UPTO=2 
-- returns position of each utf8 character in a string as a sequence of pairs 
-- {from, upto} 
-- example: 
-- umap("$£€¥") = { 
--   {1,1},  -- first character ranges from position 1 to position 1 
--   {2,3},  -- second character ranges from position 2 to position 3 
--   {4,6},  -- third character ranges from position 4 to position 6 
--   {7,8}   -- fourth character ranges from position 7 to position 8 
-- } 
function umap(string s) 
  integer i = 1 
  sequence res = {} 
  while i <= length(s) do 
    integer si = s[i] 
    if and_bits(si, #80) = #00 then 
      res = append(res, {i, i}) 
      i += 1 
    elsif and_bits(si, #E0) = #C0 then 
      res = append(res, {i, i+1}) 
      i += 2 
    elsif and_bits(si, #F0) = #E0 then 
      res = append(res, {i, i+2}) 
      i += 3 
    elsif and_bits(si, #F8) = #F0 then 
      res = append(res, {i, i+3}) 
      i += 4 
      res = append(res, {i, i}) 
      i += 1 
    end if 
  end while 
  return res 
end function 
function ulength(string s) 
  return length(umap(s)) 
end function 
function uhead(string s, integer n) 
  sequence um = umap(s) 
  return head(s, um[n][UPTO]) 
end function 
function ureverse(string s) 
  sequence um = umap(s) 
  sequence res = {} 
  for i = length(um) to 1 by -1 do 
    res &= s[um[i][FROM][i][UPTO]] 
  end for 
  return res 
end function 
function uremove(string s, integer start, integer stop=start) 
  sequence um = umap(s) 
  return remove(s, um[start][FROM], um[stop][UPTO]) 
end function 
function ureplace(string s, object what, integer start, integer stop=start) 
  sequence um = umap(s) 
  sequence res = remove(s, um[start][FROM], um[stop][UPTO]) 
  return insert(res, what, um[start][FROM]) 
end function 

This is just a subset of what can be done.

Of course, UTF-8 strings must be written with an UTF-8 encoding, so this is mostly useful on Linux. Even US programmers can need it to draw box frames.

Here is an example that compares ASCII and UTF-8 functions:

sequence currencies = "$£€¥"  -- dollar, pound, euro, yen 
printf(1, "currencies = %s\n", {currencies}) 
printf(1, "umap(currencies) = %s\n", {sprint(umap(currencies))}) 
puts(1, "\n") 
printf(1, "length(currencies) = %d\n", {length(currencies)}) 
printf(1, "ulength(currencies) = %d\n", {ulength(currencies)}) 
puts(1, "\n") 
printf(1, "head(currencies, 3) = %s\n", {head(currencies, 3)}) 
printf(1, "uhead(currencies, 3) = %s\n", {uhead(currencies, 3)}) 
puts(1, "\n") 
printf(1, "reverse(currencies) = %s\n", {reverse(currencies)}) 
printf(1, "ureverse(currencies) = %s\n", {ureverse(currencies)}) 
puts(1, "\n") 
printf(1, "remove(currencies, 2) = %s\n", {remove(currencies, 2)}) 
printf(1, "uremove(currencies, 2) = %s\n", {uremove(currencies, 2)}) 
puts(1, "\n") 
printf(1, "replace(currencies, 'E', 3) = %s\n", {replace(currencies, 'E', 3)}) 
printf(1, "ureplace(currencies, 'E', 3) = %s\n", {ureplace(currencies, 'E', 3)}) 


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