Re: C Libraries/Wrappers

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Icy_Viking said...

Also, when the next release has supports for structs, would it be easier or possible to wrap CPlusPlus libraries?

Unfortunately, the ability to interface with C++ goes well beyond structs. If that were the only boundary, we could be doing it today with manual peek/poke calls.

You'll have to contend with compiler-specific name mangling and other ABI differences like class constructors, polymorphism, exceptions, and so on.

Here's an article on how the D language accomplishes this: Interfacing to C++. They have to make a few assumptions and concessions, and even then they already have a compatible OOP syntax that mirrors C++ directly.

Matt had made some headway with doing this manually in the earliest versions of wxEuphoria, but he eventually moved to a more maintainable shim library approach instead.


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