EuGTK:Working Demo For Pop-up Dialog to Collect A String

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Irv, is there a working demo of popping up a dialog to capture string input from the user? I don't know whether to build my own dialog for that or customize a built-in one.

I'm having a user click a "Create New Project" button on an opening dialog, and I want to pop up a modal dialog box to capture the name of the project first. How do you recommend doing that?

Here's the dialog I'm trying to use: can I get the value in txt_newProjectName returned to me? Should I just use "add" to customize a built-in dialog box?

If I use my dialog, do I need to write a function to capture the string when the user clicks "Create," or will it act as a function and return that value to me?

	winNewProject = create(GtkWindow,"title=`New Project`,size=400x200,border_width=8,position=1"), 
	panel_NewProject = create(GtkBox,VERTICAL), 
	panel_NewProjectName = create(GtkBox,HORIZONTAL), 
	panel_NewProjectButtons = create(GtkBox,HORIZONTAL), 
	lbl_newProjectName = create(GtkLabel,"New Project Name"), 
	txt_newProjectName = create(GtkEntry,{  
          {"margin top",10}, 
          {"placeholder text","Name your new project"} 
	bttn_NewProjectCreate = create(GtkButton,"Create"), 
	bttn_NewProjectCancel = create(GtkButton,"Cancel") 
	pack(panel_NewProjectName, {lbl_newProjectName, txt_newProjectName}) 
	pack(panel_NewProjectButtons, {bttn_NewProjectCreate,bttn_NewProjectCancel}) 
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