Re: Second monitor enumeration

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irv said...

How are you "wrapping" the call?

It's hard to guess what the problem might be without an example. Are you passing a null as the first parameter and the monitor # as the second?

I should have put this in originally. It is a very basic call based upon other Win32Lib function registering. I assumed that merely giving some space for a buffer would be adequate, and passing the pointer, would do. I didn't progress further because I thought that if I can get a return boolean to reflect whether there is a monitor there or not then I was on the right track. If not, i wasn't. And i wasn't.

atom     ddptr 
integer  ddret 
sequence ddbuff 
constant xEnumDisplayDevicesA = registerw32Function(user32, "EnumDisplayDevicesA", {C_POINTER, C_LONG, C_POINTER, C_LONG}, C_UINT) 
ddbuff    = repeat(0, 424) 
ddbuff[1] = 424 
ddptr     = w32acquire_mem(0, ddbuff) 
ddret     = w32Func(xEnumDisplayDevicesA, {VOID, 1, ddptr, 1}) -- I also tried NULL where I have VOID 

Is this a valid way to call the function??

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