Re: Problem with using ALT keys and/or CTRL keys with wxEuphoria

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I'm not sure if this maintains your exact functionality, but the alt and ctrl keys affect what I type...

procedure onKey( atom this, atom event_type, atom id, atom event ) 
object junk 
integer altKey=0, ctrlKey=0, keyIs 
	keyIs = get_key_code( event ) -- unshifted lower case (usually) to understand the applied deviations 
	keyIs1 = keyIs 
	keyIs1 = keyIs1 + EuTestLoc -- using Hex 600 to hex 6FF for testing 
keyIs0 = keyIs1 - 32 -- capitals if unshifted entered 
keyIs2 = keyIs0 + 128 -- 3rd alphabet row  (Halves or alternate of capitals ) 
keyIs3 = keyIs1 + 128 -- 4th alphabet row  (halves or alternate of lower case) 
	altKey = key_event_altdown(event)  -- this will be 1 if true, 0 if false 
	ctrlKey = key_event_controldown(event)  -- this will be 1 if true, 0 if false 
	if keyIs != 27 then 
		if keyIs = 13 then 
			msg[$] = msg[$][1..$-1] 
			msg = append(msg,"_") 
		elsif keyIs = WXK_F11 then -- changing 
		   keyIs1 = keyIs1 + 128  
		elsif keyIs = WXK_TAB then -- changing 
		   keyIs1 = keyIs1 + 128  
		elsif ctrlKey then -- changing 
		   keyIs1 = keyIs1 + 128  
		elsif altKey then -- changing 
		   keyIs1 = keyIs1 + 128  
		end if 
		msg[$] = msg[$][1..$-1] & keyIs1 & "_" 
		refresh_window( this ) 
    	destroy( typeFrame )  
	end if 
end procedure 
set_event_handler( typeWin, -1, wxEVT_CHAR, routine_id("onKey")) 
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