Re: DirectFB help needed

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All the code is here:

Here is the output:

The framebuffer device was opened successfully. 
1280x1024, 32bpp 
The framebuffer device was mapped to memory successfully. 
A machine-level exception occurred during execution of this statement (signal 11)  

And here are the variable values:

    screensize = 5242880 
    fbp = 1987805184 
    location = 3.35544324e+10 
    fbfd = 3 
    finfo = 34729984 
    vinfo = 34734080 
    xres = 1280 
    yres = 1024 
    bits_per_pixel = 32' ' 
    xoffset = 0 
    yoffset = 0 
    line_length = 335544320 
    y = 100'd' 
    x = 100'd' 
    b = <no value> 
    g = <no value> 
    r = <no value> 
    t = <no value> 

location seems to be high but I don't see any difference between C and OEU code:

            location = (x+vinfo.xoffset) * (vinfo.bits_per_pixel/8) + 
                       (y+vinfo.yoffset) * finfo.line_length; 

  integer bits_per_pixel = peek4u(vinfo+VSI_BITS_PER_PIXEL) 
  atom xoffset = peek4u(vinfo+VSI_XOFFSET) 
  atom yoffset = peek4u(vinfo+VSI_YOFFSET) 
  atom line_length = peek4u(finfo+FSI_LINE_LENGTH) 
          location = (x+xoffset) * (bits_per_pixel/8) + 
                     (y+yoffset) * line_length 


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