Re: [tutorial] Basic Sequence Operations

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_tom said...
archeopteryx_08 said...


PS: i couldn't play billiards if my life depended on it!


Thank for your input. These diagrams will now be officially called "Billiard ball diagrams."


I'm glad they're useful. I found them helpful in my case. Often, I drew diagrams and tediously moved the balls around. They helped me:
_ distinguish between atoms and sequences
_ visualise how a character was an integer in disguise
_ visualise the difference between (eg) 'b' and "b"
_ visualise a string as a sequence of characters
_ visualise an empty string
_ visualise printf ( 1, "%s", "euphoria" ) vs printf ( 1, "%s", { "euphoria" } )
_ understand concatenation vs append()
_ visualise append, prepend, slice, splice, insert


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