Re: Display arguments sliced from a sequence

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alrobnett said...

To display a series of 64 items at specific locations, I need to pick a series of formatting information from a long sequence. The original matrix, for use with printf, looked like:

rn_display_format = 
    { {  0, 35, "%12s", 1, 0, 12}, 
      {  1, 16, "%12s", 2, 0, 12}, 
      {  1, 58, "%12s", 2, 1, 12}, 
      {  2, 6,  "%12s", 4, 0, 12}, 
      {  2, 26, "%12s", 4, 1, 12}, 
      {  2, 48, "%12s", 4, 2, 12}, 
      {  2, 68, "%12s", 4, 3, 12}, 
      {  3, 1,  "%8s", 8, 0, 8}, 
      {  3, 11, "%8s", 8, 1, 8}, 
      {  3, 21, "%8s", 8, 2, 8}, 
      {  3, 31, "%8s", 8, 3, 8}, 
      {  3, 43, "%8s", 8, 4, 8}, 
      {  3, 53, "%8s", 8, 5, 8}, 
      {  3, 63, "%8s", 8, 6, 8}, 
      {  3, 73, "%8s", 8, 7, 8}, 
      ... etc. 

My test of extraction from a sequence for use with display is:

include std/io.e 
include std/filesys.e 
include std/error.e 
include std/console.e 
include std/graphics.e 
include std/sequence.e 
include std/cmdline.e 
include std/convert.e 
integer key_code, start_number, stop_number 
sequence test_sequence = "123456789" 
sequence display_portion, format_string, slice_start, slice_stop 
position (4,20) 
format_string = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} 
slice_start = slice(format_string, 4,4) 
start_number = to_number(slice_start) 
slice_stop = slice(format_string, 9,9) 
stop_number = to_number(slice_stop) 
display_portion = slice(test_sequence, start_number, stop_number) 
key_code = wait_key() 

There are no error messages, but it displays the entire string
whereas I expected

What's wrong?

Just as an aside, and I'm not sure what you are actually trying to do, but that looks way over complicated

sequences can be sliced on the fly, so

display_portion = slice(test_sequence, start_number, stop_number) is the same as display_portion = test_sequence[start_number..stop_number]

so to display what you want, display_portion = test_sequence[4..9] or as Irv said display_portion = test_sequence[4..$] where $ stands for the index of the last element of the sequence, if it is the last element you want of course.

and everything previous can flow from that.



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