Re: Functions & Procedure runing stak

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clkeriolet said...

Hello everybody, I search for the name of the euphoria sequence (if there is) containing the stack of nested functions or procedures running in my program (by their name or routine Id) - Any help would be greatly appreciated !

I am not sure if this routine is what you are asking for. Perhaps it will help.

--- file qindex.ex  by Phil F. 
---     (lists global & local routines from Euphoria source files --- 
---     with line numbers)   -- 
--- usage: eui qindex.ex Eusourcefile   -- 
---   or:  eui qindex.ex Eusourcefile > keepme.txt    -- 
-- modified to list public and export routines by Kenneth Rhodes 
include std/io.e 
integer fn, ch, found, ct, outdev 
sequence f, test, params, num 
object l 
outdev = 1 -- >> usually to console -- 
params = command_line() 
if length(params) < 3 then 
	puts(1,"Usage: eui qindex.ex sourcefile > [optional] keepme.txt\n") 
end if 
f = params[3] 
fn = open(f,"r") 
if fn < 0 then 
	puts(1, "Sorry, could not open " & f & '\n') 
end if 
ct = 0 
puts(outdev, "\n---  " & f & "  ---\n") 
found = 0 
while 1 do 
	l = gets(fn) 
	ct += 1 
	if atom(l) then exit end if --- end of file -- 
	if length(l) < 8 then continue end if --- "function" won't fit  -- 
	if length(l) > 100 then 
		l = l[1..100] & '\n' 
	end if 
	test = "" 
	for i = 1 to length(l) do 
		ch = l[i] 
		if not find(ch, " \t") then --- 'non-spaces' only -- 
			test &= ch 
			if equal(test, "--") then 
			elsif find(test, {"global","public", "export"}) then   
				test = ""  --- skip -- 
                        elsif find(test, {"procedure", "function"}) then 
				num = sprintf("%d: ", ct) 
				puts(outdev, num & l) 
				found += 1 
			elsif length(test) > 9 then -- seen enough! -- 
			end if 
		end if 
	end for 
end while 
if found = 0 then 
	puts(outdev, "None found\n") 
end if 
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