wxEuphoria: get_next_tree_child() Returning 0 For All Child Items

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In the following code, get_next_tree_child() is always returning 0. That doesn't seem right.

-- user has selected a category; uninstall all forms in list 
atom cookie 
atom indx = get_tree_selection( tree_Templates ) 
-- get list of all items whose parent is indx 
integer child_count = get_tree_item_children_count( tree_Templates, indx, 0 ) 
list = get_first_tree_child( tree_Templates, indx ) 
cookie = list[2] 
list = {list[1]} 
for t=2 to child_count do 
	child = get_next_tree_child( tree_Templates, indx, cookie ) 
	list = append(list, child ) 
end for 

indx is a folder item.

It seems like I'm using those functions properly, but the results aren't what's expected.

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