Re: String comparisons

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jmduro said...

This is a simple way to do the job. Something more complex would require too much computing capacity.

Not true. My WRDCOMP4.E is dated May 14 2001, and SEQCOMP5.E is dated Jan 20 2003. If i remember right, neither got contributed because of the significant pushback against Eu containing strings, so please consider that my fear of posting the code still exists. I still have the .e files, but not the test code, and not the code that actually used this day to day.

Sample test for the code included the following:

--{"c-a-t fish","catfish"}, 
--{"NATO is considering allowing Yugoslav soldiers","NATO considered allowing Yugoslavian soldiers"}, 
--{"NATO is considering allowing Yugoslav soldiers","NATO considered allowing Yugoslavian soldiers"}, 
--{"NATO is considering allowing 78 Yugoslav soldiers","NATO is considering allowing 71 Yugoslav soldiers"}, 
-- {"entrances","to","Rotterdam",",","the","world's","largest","port","."}}, 
--{"this bad english","the english muffins"}, 
  testdata[x][1] = {"Some","40","-","50","ships","blocked","the","Hook","of","Holland",",","gateway","to","Rotterdam","port","."} 
  testdata[x][2] = {"More","than","100","vessels","blocked","the","entrances","to","Rotterdam",",","the","world's","biggest","port","."} 

So, i've done it, 14 years ago, it won't take too many computing resources.

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