Re: Translation error (out of memory) [long post ahead]

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Hi peoples,

I'm back. This has been driving me nuts.

This is what I think I know.

I made a few changes while testing

-- call this s1.ex 
atom sum, exits, tstart = time()  
constant limit = 1_073_741_825 -- power(2, 30) + 1 
exits = 0 
for i = 1 to limit do 
    exits += 1 
    sum = 0  
    for j = i to limit do  
        sum += j 
        if sum > limit then 
-- prints out every 1000 times through the loop 
            if remainder(exits, 1000) = 0 then 
                ? exits 
            end if 
        elsif sum = limit then  
            printf(1, "from %d to %d adds up to %d\n", {i, j, limit})  
        end if  
    end for  
end for  
printf(1, "%f seconds\n", time() - tstart)  
puts(1, "all done\n") 

That works when compiled. euc -gcc -con -makefile s1.ex I put the -makefile so I could look at the generated code without having to cd to the source directory.

-- call this one s2.ex 
atom sum, exits, tstart = time()  
constant limit = 1_073_741_825 -- power(2, 30) + 1 
exits = 0 
for i = 1 to limit do 
    exits += 1 
    sum = 0  
-- change the loop to limit + 0 
    for j = i to limit + 0 do  
        sum += j 
      if sum > limit then 
-- prints out every 1000 times through the loop 
            if remainder(exits, 1000) = 0 then 
                ? exits 
            end if 
        elsif sum = limit then  
            printf(1, "from %d to %d adds up to %d\n", {i, j, limit})  
        end if  
    end for  
end for  
printf(1, "%f seconds\n", time() - tstart)  
puts(1, "all done\n") 

I compiled it using euc -gcc -con -makefile s2.ex

And it gives me the same error:

couldn't alloc 16384 bytes 
Fatal run-time error: 
Your program has run out of memory. 
One moment please... 

The only difference is adding 0 to the limit (I also tried multiplying by 1). So I looked at the generated code.

        /**     for j = i to limit do*/ 
        //line below in main-.c for s2.ex 
        _11 = NewDouble(DBL_PTR(_1limit_144)->dbl + (double)0); 

Looking at the Windows task manager the memory used goes up until it hits 2000M and then it crashes. The number of exits printed is ~131M which is about 16 bytes per exit.

I also don't understand this

            /**             exit*/ 
            goto L4; // [83] 117 
            goto L6; // [85] 110 

If i comment out this line

      _11 = NewDouble(DBL_PTR(_1limit_144)->dbl + (double)0); 
and change the test here
            if (binary_op_a(GREATER, _1j_150, _11)){ 
            if (binary_op_a(GREATER, _1j_150, _1limit_144)){ 
it runs correctly.

Or if I move this

    _11 = NOVALUE; 
from its original location after the L2: label to the L4: label and compile it works also.

I have no idea how to fix this in the translator. I can't even find a file that looks like it compiles to euc.exe

That's all folks, Lonny

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