Re: The Future of Euphoria

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irv said...

Those dead links do nothing positive for Euphoria's image, and they also indicate that Rob and Junko don't have the time (or perhaps the interest) to clean them out.

Before we ask permission to back them up here, perhaps we should find someone here who has the time and the interest?

First someone should ask Rob. The last time, the answer was a firm NO:

petelomax said...

I know there is, but afaik that only covers rds-hosted zips, and has no descriptions, etc. Is there anything better? Is this a web scraping thing (of which I have very limited experience)? Is there by any chance a wget-generating script, ideally one that can produce a report of dead links?

Back in 2008, after a spate of attacks on the website, I set up a wget script to download the entire archive. It worked and I still have it somewhere. Using wget for this purpose is trivial.

As for reporting dead links, I've not tried it, but it can be done with wget:

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