Re: string_exec()
- Posted by dcuny Mar 06, 2015
I was under the impression that what katsmeow really wanted was dynamic/self-modifying code + REPL. OTOH, the entire kitchen sink. Which is something I support.
I got that impression as well. I'm just trying to figure out how the mechanics of that would work.
There are a couple bits that aren't clear to me. The where does "top level" code is one of them.
The other is how existing code gets to know about the new routines, since none of it was visible at the time of compilation.
If the request is allowing self-modifying code, what exactly does that mean? Can a routine be redefined?
I think what I've suggested answers both of those questions, but doesn't answer the question of how to add top-level variables.
I'm just trying to understand what's being ask for.
- David