EuGTK - CheckAll, UncheckAll

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-- This is supposed to put a check mark on all 25 food groups in the menu bar. 
function onMenu_CheckAll(atom ctl)  
  for fg = 1 to length(MenuG) do 
  -- But this checks those that are unchecked, and unchecks those that are checked. 
  -- And it seems to trigger an event for each one; that is my guess why it takes a long time. 
		SelectedGroups[fg] = 1 
	end for 
end function 
constant ev_CheckAll = call_back(routine_id("onMenu_CheckAll")) 
-- This is supposed to uncheck all 25 food groups. 
function onMenu_UncheckAll(atom ctl) 
  for fg = 1 to length(MenuG) do 
	  set(MenuG[fg],"activate",0)  -- This does the same as above. 
		SelectedGroups[fg] = 0 
	end for 
end function 
constant ev_UncheckAll = call_back(routine_id("onMenu_UncheckAll")) 

Question 1: Is set_active supposed to toggle between active and inactive? Then what is the purpose of the 1 or 0? And that's not what the documentation says.

Question 2: Is there any way to use
set(MenuG[fg],"activate",1) and set(MenuG[fg],"activate",0)
without triggering an event?

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