Re: submitting code

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useless said...

Main process has a task_yield, by which it yields.

Task1 has a task_yield, by which it yields.

Task1 should not be able to call the main process's task_yield, it should be able to call only it's own task_yield. By calling it's own task_yield, it is yielding the cpu TO the task manager to assign to other tasks, such as the main task, since it's the only other task mentioned here.

If task1 calls the main process's task_yield, then task manager is told the main task has yielded.

In this example, the main process is the only executing code other than task1, therefor the main process is task1's parent.

I'm not going to go into why this is wrong again. I am going to do what Tabishi has suggested and just cease responding to this topic and any other topic like it. Trying to explain it in the past is what lead you to quitting the dev team and all sorts of further explosions. No sense it doing it again.


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