Re: Eu website
- Posted by useless Aug 27, 2009
Are you aware I was *repeatedly* banned from #euphoria, where Tiggr could have provided such services?
The only reason I am bringing this up is that I want everyone to know that IRC is a great place to hang out, that it's a viable means of talking about Euphoria and that it's not hostile!
Now, just to take away the rumors and get this right... There is an automated bot that exists in #euphoria that prevents channel spamming. It will ban anyone and has banned most of the people who have been in the channel before. The automated bans are time based, and a very short time at that.
The incident that Kat repeatedly refers to is that she has a finiky internet connection and when a storm comes through, her connection is dropped, then re-established, then dropped, then re-established. In the Irc channel, when people were trying to converse, you see messages such as:
[05:59:24] < JohnDoe (n=kvirc@x.x.x) has quit ("When two people dream the same dream, it ceases to be an illusion. KVIrc 3.4.3 Shiny(svn-3155)")
[06:00:45] <rywilly> Hey, what's up everyone?
[06:01:12] <
[06:02:18] <
[06:02:33] <jeremy_c> I'm working on euweb rywilly. Trying to solve some pesky little bugs.
[06:02:58] <rywilly> I want to work again on the wiki. I hope to be able to very soon now!
[06:04:22] <
... etc ...
... etc ...
Now, just to be clear. The above was not the log from Kat's problem that caused her to be banned automatically. It was a while ago and I no longer have the exact text. The above was just an example of what it looks like in the channel.
It's very disruptive and if my client would have been doing that, I would want my client to be banned! It's only common curiosity. The ban lasts for a very short period of time.
And i was told someone in channel, rather that not showing such join msgs in the channel window, asked that i be banned. In other words, the bot didn't do it. Modern irc clients can ignore the join msg sent from the server, or show in any other window besides the channel window. Mirc has had this feature since 1996. Instead, i was refused entry to the channel. It was the 3rd time this has happened, and shows me the tidiness of that someone's channel display, or their laziness in not clicking a setting to avoid showing the join/parts in the channel window, was worth more than me being in the channel.