Re: New switch/case idea

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neophyte said...

My two kpeks worth on the bilingal Euphoria.

While I do not speak Russian I do speak Serbian, a member of Slavic group of languages.

I would like to suggest to Kinz to think of the loop statement not as a Cycl instruction but rather as instruction to commence a петля ( petlya) structure.

Thanks for two kpeks! Crisis... smile

Yes, I can do it, for example:

-- English code 
loop do  
    a = a * 2  
    x = x - 1  
until x<=0 
-- Russian code 
do_pory cykl -- "do_pory" means "to needed moment" 
    a = a * 2  
    x = x - 1  
pora x<=0    -- "pora" means "needed moment" 

You see, in Russian version, there is nothing to do with loop (petlya), but Russian version is good, clear and a bit funny. Russian coder will smile here.

The literal translation:

petlya delay -- loop do 
    a = a * 2  
    x = x - 1  
pokuda x<=0  -- until 

It is absolutelly wrong, ugly and laughable/ridiculous.

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