Re: New switch/case idea

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kinz said...

Yes, why not, detailes depend on context, but Russian "cykl dalee" seems to be good for English "cycle proceed" ("cykl" is better than "cycl" in Russian).

There is interesting thing - the traditional Euphoria syntax is very convenient for adequate translation to Russian. I didn't have any questions to Rob at all.

Obviously you can use whatever you feel is appropriate for your Russian speaking users, but please realize that in Euphoria, "do" does not imply a looping construct. It is just a text marker to donote the begining of a block of statements. It is equivalent to the C/C language's open-brace {, which certainly is not a loop indicator.

Prior to Euphoria v4, "do" just happened to only be used in conjunction with loops, and now it is also used with no-loop constructs. We have not changed the language in this regard because it always was used just to mark the start of a block of statements.

My fear is that you are reading into the language syntax, some semantics that were never there.

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