1. homepage
- Posted by ArchiteK <architek at GEOCITIES.COM> Mar 28, 1997
- Last edited Mar 29, 1997
Hi everybody, If you try to access my homepage you may get a "Not Found" message, this is just a problem with grocities server. They are working to fix this soon. Please don't believe the page is dead. Bye, -- email: architek at geocities.com homepage: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Heights/9316
2. homepage
- Posted by Daniel Berstein Zimmermann <dberst at CMETNET.CMET.NET> Nov 07, 1996
Hi everyone, I'm very glad... just got my first homepage, and offcourse it has a special Euphoria section. By now there are few things to lookat (still under construction), but anyway visit it. My URL: http://geocities.com/SiliconValley/Heights/9316 Mail: dberst at cmet.net Bye, Daniel Berstein Zimmermann
3. Re: homepage
- Posted by Daniel Berstein Zimmermann <dberst at CMETNET.CMET.NET> Nov 07, 1996
The URL I sent is WRONG!!, I forgot the "www.". Here it goes right: My URL: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Heights/9316 Mail: dberst at cmet.net Bye, Daniel Berstein Zimmermann
4. homepage
- Posted by Daniel Berstein Zimmermann <dberst at CMETNET.CMET.NET> Nov 09, 1996
Hi everybody! This mail is for telling you I've finished 'debbuging' my homepage. Now things work as they should, no more links withing a frame, failed searches, etc... Theres one thing that ain't ready 100%: the Euphoria specific section, but there are some files to download and some links to other E uphoria pages: Rober Craig David gay Michael Packard PatRat Tony Ogden (my cyber-neighbour) Mathew Sephton Tom carlson Justin Miller Please visit the site, if your page is incorrectly named (or you would like to have another link-name) let me know, I'll fix it. It's sure I forgot to put someones page, my apologize, but I that was all the information available to me at this time. If some else wants to be "published" p lease mail me. Here goes my URL so you can update your bookmarks and links, http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Heights/9316 Any comments to, mailto:dberst at cmet.net Have fun! Daniel Berstein Zimmermann
5. Re: homepage
- Posted by David Gay <moggie at INTERLOG.COM> Nov 09, 1996
You left out the www in my URL....it's www.interlog.com/~moggie/euphoria.htm :) Thanks! David
6. Re: homepage
- Posted by Daniel Berstein Zimmermann <dberst at CMETNET.CMET.NET> Nov 09, 1996
David Gay wrote: > You left out the www in my URL....it's www.interlog.com/~moggie/euphoria.htm :) Sorry, I fix it... Daniel