1. Hymem & DLL

Hi all,

i would like to know if there's someone in here who can tell me what i
shall do to get more free conventional memory when I quit windows 95 and
I  run a plain Dos session.My computer reports that it only has 450K
free ( 32 megs of ram). I 've allready tryed to load everything on the
high memory with the LH command and DEVICEHIGH.Any suggestions?
It's possible to load hymem.sys on the high memory itself? just

I would also like to know,if someone knows of a program that allows you
to track a DLL in order to see wich are it's functions,wich parameters
you need to call to use them...

thanks and regards,

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2. Re: Hymem & DLL


    Send me your autoexec.bat and config.sys...I can try a free up
some...As for the DLL if it is a windows DLL look all over the
registry...I have found usefull info in there...(EG start.exe 'windows
app name' 'option'
type start /? to get a list of options...this is how I used euphoria to
launch windows apps from the DOS version....

>Date:         Thu, 11 Feb 1999 10:40:16 -0800
>Reply-To:     Euphoria Programming for MS-DOS
>From:         Luis <lcampoar8 at FAR.UB.EDU>
>Subject:      Hymem & DLL
>Hi all,
>i would like to know if there's someone in here who can tell me what i
>shall do to get more free conventional memory when I quit windows 95
>I  run a plain Dos session.My computer reports that it only has 450K
>free ( 32 megs of ram). I 've allready tryed to load everything on the
>high memory with the LH command and DEVICEHIGH.Any suggestions?
>It's possible to load hymem.sys on the high memory itself? just
>I would also like to know,if someone knows of a program that allows you
>to track a DLL in order to see wich are it's functions,wich parameters
>you need to call to use them...
>thanks and regards,

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3. Re: Hymem & DLL


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Euphoria Programming for MS-DOS
> [mailto:EUPHORIA at LISTSERV.MUOHIO.EDU]On Behalf Of Luis
> Sent: 1999 February 11 18:40
> Subject: Hymem & DLL

This works for me in Win98. Don't know if command.com as config.sys shell
any use. Gave up on that years ago when I was converted to the gospel of
St.4DOS. The Attachment is my EXITTODOS.PIF file, which calls on the COMSPEC
variable (Surprise, it's 4DOS.COM) as my Win98 DOS-Mode shell. Good luck,
and try not to be as unnecessarily anti-windoze as me.


rem *** Menu commands used to allow time for F5/F8 choice if desired
rem *** While BIOS settings for Boot order (1)Floppy; (2)HardDisk then
rem *** BIOS sets Floppy as A: and Zip100 as B: if booted to DOS from
rem *** While BIOS settings for Boot order (1)Zip100; (2)HardDisk then
rem *** BIOS sets Floppy as A: and Zip100 as B: if booted to DOS from
rem *** BIOS sets Zip100 as A: and Floppy as B: if booted to DOS from Zip100
menuitem=H4U0EW,HardDisk Boot Drive C, 4DOS Prompt, UMBs, No EMS/Windows
menuitem=HW4,HardDisk Boot Drive C, Windows Default, 4DOS Prompt Option
menuitem=Z4U0EW,Zip100 Boot Drive A, 4DOS Prompt, UMBs, No EMS/Windows

rem *** High instruction ignored if no UMBs provided by EMM386.EXE

rem *** High instruction ignored if no UMBs provided by EMM386.EXE
device=A:\Boots\EMM386.98 noems i=f000-f7ff
devicehigh=A:\Boots\VIDE-CDD.Sys /d:mscd001 /p:168,12 /p:170,15 /p:1e8,11
rem *** Country Code 002 rather than 044 for yy-mm-dd/hh:mm:ss format
installhigh=A:\Boots\SHSUCDX.Exe /d:mscd001,y
shell=A:\Boots\4DOS.Com A:\Boots\ @A:\Boots\4DOS.#Z /P

rem *** High instruction ignored if no UMBs provided by EMM386.EXE
rem *** Country code 002 rather than 044 for yy-mm-dd/hh:mm:ss format
shell=D:\Boots\4DOS.Com D:\Boots\ @D:\Boots\4DOS.# /P

rem *** High instruction ignored if no UMBs provided by EMM386.EXE
device=D:\Boots\EMM386.98 noems i=f000-f7ff
rem *** Sound Blaster DOS-Mode Configuration
rem *** Removed by Creative Sound Blaster AWE64 CD-ROM Setup
rem *** device=D:\Tools\CTCM.Exe
devicehigh=D:\Boots\VIDE-CDD.Sys /d:mscd001 /p:168,12 /p:170,15 /p:1e8,11
rem *** While BIOS settings for Boot order (1)Floppy; (2)HardDisk then
rem *** BIOS sets Floppy as A: and Zip100 as B: if booted to DOS from
rem *** While BIOS settings for Boot order (1)Zip100; (2)HardDisk then
rem *** BIOS sets Floppy as A: and Zip100 as B: if booted to DOS from
rem *** BIOS sets Zip100 as A: and Floppy as B: if booted to DOS from Zip100
rem *** installhigh=D:\Boots\Guest.Exe letter=z
installhigh=D:\Boots\SHSUCDX.Exe /d:mscd001,y

rem *** High instruction ignored if no UMBs provided by EMM386.EXE

rem *** High instruction ignored if no UMBs provided by EMM386.EXE



@echo off

goto #Start

rem *** Sound Blaster DOS-Mode Configuration
SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 H5 P330 E620 T6
rem *** Sound Blaster DOS-Mode Configuration
rem *** Removed by Creative Sound Blaster AWE64 CD-ROM Setup
rem *** set CTCM=%D0%\TOOLS
rem *** DOS32A
set DOS32A=%D0%\TOOLS\DOS32A
rem *** Euphoria
rem *** MGA Setup (MS-DOS) - Not presently required
rem *** set MGA=D:\INACTIVE\MGA(MM2)\
rem *** Sound Blaster DOS-Mode Configuration
rem *** Append to P0 BasePathVariable when running DOS32A
rem *** Append to P0 BasePathVariable when running Euphoria
rem *** Append to P0 BasePathVariable when running Pacific
rem *** Append to P0 BasePathVariable when running POVLab/POV-Ray
rem *** POVLab
rem *** Not required if using GUEST.EXE TSR to access Iomega Zip Disk
rem *** set SCSI_DRIVER=%D0%\BOOTS
rem *** Not required if using GUEST.EXE TSR to access Iomega Zip Disk
rem *** set SCSI_UTILITY=%D0%\BOOTS
rem *** Sound Blaster DOS-Mode Configuration
rem *** Needed by PGP International (MS-DOS) to ascertain Time Zone
rem *** Removed by Creative Sound Blaster AWE64 CD-ROM Setup
rem *** @%D0%\Tools\CTCU /S
if "%CONFIG" == "HW4" goto HW4End
if "%CONFIG" == "H4U0EW" goto H4U0EWEnd
goto Zero&Out

rem *** Some programs will only recognise capitalised environment variables
rem *** Establish User Home Drive
set D0=D:
rem *** While BIOS settings for Boot order (1)Floppy; (2)HardDisk then
rem *** BIOS sets Floppy as A: and Zip100 as B: if booted to DOS from
rem *** While BIOS settings for Boot order (1)Zip100; (2)HardDisk then
rem *** BIOS sets Floppy as A: and Zip100 as B: if booted to DOS from
rem *** BIOS sets Zip100 as A: and Floppy as B: if booted to DOS from Zip100
if "%CONFIG" == "Z4U0EW" set D0=A:
rem *** Saved BasePathVariable allows creation of/restoration from
goto #Usual

rem Save CONFIG variable to a file for reloading if necessary
echo CONFIG=%CONFIG%>%D0%\Boots\Config.Set
rem *** High instruction ignored if no UMBs provided by EMM386.EXE
rem *** lh %D0%\Boots\SHSUCDX.Exe /d:mscd001,y
rem *** lh %D0%\Boots\UKKeyn_C.Com
rem *** BasePathVariable
rem *** DOS CommandLine Prompt
PROMPT [$d]  [$t]  [$p]$_
@%D0%\Boots\BootScan %D0%\ C:\
@if errorlevel 1 pause
rem *** ARJ CommandLineSwitch defaults
rem *** Needed by FV.COM Archive Viewer for LIST.COM's temporary output
set PKUNZIP=-d -Jhrs
goto %CONFIG%

alias/r %D0%\Boots\Alias.#
dirhistory/f^dirhistory/r %D0%\Boots\DHistory.#
history/r %D0%\Boots\History.#
rem *** While BIOS settings for Boot order (1)Floppy; (2)HardDisk then
rem *** BIOS sets Floppy as A: and Zip100 as B: if booted to DOS from
rem *** While BIOS settings for Boot order (1)Zip100; (2)HardDisk then
rem *** BIOS sets Floppy as A: and Zip100 as B: if booted to DOS from
rem *** BIOS sets Zip100 as A: and Floppy as B: if booted to DOS from Zip100
if "%CONFIG" == "Z4U0EW" goto Z4U0EWEnd
goto #End

goto 4Usual

rem *** Both forms of TEMP/TMP variable to satisfy differing program needs
rem *** While BIOS settings for Boot order (1)Floppy; (2)HardDisk then
rem *** BIOS sets Floppy as A: and Zip100 as B: if booted to DOS from
rem *** While BIOS settings for Boot order (1)Zip100; (2)HardDisk then
rem *** BIOS sets Floppy as A: and Zip100 as B: if booted to DOS from
rem *** BIOS sets Zip100 as A: and Floppy as B: if booted to DOS from Zip100
rem *** High instruction ignored if no UMBs provided by EMM386.EXE
rem *** lh %D0%\Boots\Guest.Exe letter=z
rem *** No Write-Behind Cacheing on Floppy
@%D0%\Boots\SmartDrv B+ C+ D+ E+ F+ Y+ InitCacheSize 16384 /Q
goto Zero&Out

rem *** Windows DOSBox CommandLine Prompt
set WINPMT=[$d]  [$t]  [$p in Windows 9#]$_
goto 4Usual

rem *** Both forms of TEMP/TMP variable to satisfy differing program needs
inkey /p /w5 Press 4 for 4DOS Prompt, ENTER or wait 5 seconds for Windows
if "%key" != "4" @win
unset /q key
goto Zero&Out

goto 4Usual

rem *** Both forms of TEMP/TMP variable to satisfy differing program needs
rem *** No Write-Behind Cacheing on Floppy
@%D0%\Boots\SmartDrv A+ C+ D+ E+ F+ Y+ InitCacheSize 16384 /Q
goto Zero&Out

rem *** Included to help keep environment usage within standard settings



;The following lines are required for compatibility with other programs.
;Do not remove them (MSDOS.SYS needs to be >1024 bytes).

        name="Exit To Dos.PIF"

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4. Re: Hymem & DLL

First you are loading things high before you have loaded your himem.sys
and emm386.exe files
what's with the .98 stuff? you dont want to run windows programs to you
real dos....never do a "reboot in to dos mode" or "shut down to
ms dos mode" cuz you are still in windows.....
this is your config for booting a floppy...slightly changed...


device=A:\Boots\EMM386.98 RAM i=f000-f7ff
devicehigh=A:\Boots\VIDE-CDD.Sys /d:mscd001 /p:168,12 /p:170,15
~what are the /p: options for?~
~why noauto?
~what is this??~
installhigh=A:\Boots\SHSUCDX.Exe /d:mscd001,y
~what is this???~
~get rid of this...you never need a shell..it just take up memory...~
shell=A:\Boots\4DOS.Com A:\Boots\ @A:\Boots\4DOS.#Z /P

~load these last so they can use highmem~
fileshigh=40  <--Any resion its 40 ?? i keep mine at 20...
stackshigh=0,0 <-- i never did bother to find out what this did...never
needed it....

~What is this dos32a stuff you talk about?~ are you in DOS or are you
running something else....looks like you want both
why does the drive euphoria sits on change depending on the way you
boot??? this seam's to load every time so i put it in..but some looks
like it is not needed for dos....
SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 H5 P330 E620 T6
set DOS32A=%D0%\TOOLS\DOS32A <--what is this....

put the rest of your dos needed things here..i cant decide what way you
are booting for dos so i have no clue what you need...

You should goto a bas config and astat adding only what you need...looks
like alot of extra stuff is in here that is not needed...
you should have a boot dosk for each cinfig you use but keep all the
boot files for all configs in c:\Boot or some thing like that..A) to
keep it all together and B) for faster floppy boots...Sorry i could not
help more but there are drivers that i have no clue as to what they do
so i cat say if they are needed for a pure dos boot or not..


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5. Re: Hymem & DLL

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Euphoria Programming for MS-DOS
> [mailto:EUPHORIA at LISTSERV.MUOHIO.EDU]On Behalf Of Grape Vine
> Sent: 1999 February 12 18:38
> Subject: Re: Hymem & DLL
Thanks Grape,

I tidied up a much more complex config.sys and bunged some "high" bits into
the [common] section without thinking. It's remedied.

stacks/high - Windoze/DOS steals some unnecessary default allocation of
memory here if you omit this setting, so this is me telling it to sod off.

fcbs - Pretty much obsolete and covered by the files setting now. MS sets a
default of 4 if you don't specify. 1 is the minimum allowed so 1 is what I

noauto - (Extract from the W95 CD-ROM ResKit HelpFile - Windows 95
automatically reserves memory in the UMA unless CONFIG.SYS contains the
entry dos=noauto or if HIMEM.SYS and EMM386 are not loaded). Dunno if this
applies to W98, it doesn't seem to contain the amount of DOS info that W95
provided. I don't want Windoze EVER to take my configuration for granted,
and this worked in W95, so on the principal that if it ain't bust don't fix

The /p options in VIDE_CDD.SYS do God knows what, but they were defaults
loaded by the installation so I didn't tamper. The CD-ROM stuff is only
loaded in pure DOS anyway as it's there in a DOSBox by default.

SHSUCDX is a better than MSCDEX utility. It's on Simtel, uses less memory,
can be unloaded at the command line, other stuff.

DOS32A is a programming utility, not anything to do with the OS.

The shell bit is because 4DOS is hugely better than command.com (which you
will get lumbered with in DOS if you don't specify otherwise) and well worth
a few more bytes. It loads into XMS so minimal use of basemem, and has a
global history/alias/environment accessible from any DOS shell (Windows
DOSBpx too). Saves using any number of other separate utilities (No need for
DOSKEY, extremely complex aliasing techniques, huge range of internal
commands, environment and other variables built in that allow amazing
scripting/batch capabilities - you can tell I quite LIKE it...)

.98 extensions allow me to keep track of which OS utility I'm using.
Sometimes I use some OPENDOS stuff, and MS doesn't seem to care about
extensions in device drivers, so in DOSMode I could be using
DEVICE=Whatever.702 or etc. It works.

Normally I just boot into Windoze98 by default, but if I', in the Doo-Doos I
boot DOS. I have to bugger about with A: DriveLetters because normally my
BIOS is set to read ZipDrive as DriveA and Floppy as DriveB. It can also
boot from CD-ROM, which then becomes DriveA, but that's a rarely needed
facility so I've not complicated things more than they already are.

UKKEYB is a UK-Specific Keyboard driver that only uses about 400 bytes
memory, rather than the 7k needed by MS-DOS equivalent. Us foreigners need
something in there or we get lumbered with US keyboards in DOS/DOSBox

I don't need the POV stuff all the time, but rather than further complicate
stuff I leave the variables in. 4DOS leaves me about 620k free basemem, so I
figure I can be a leedle bit extravagant.

All the %D0$ Drive letters basically allow me path access to my Tools
directory whether I've booted from Zip or HD. It's duped on the Zip ready
for the bad times that sometimes come to us all. The Boots folder is also of
course duped.

Anyway, thanks again for the CONFIG.SYS stuff. Silly me with the [common]
section. I'm not sure I'll drop the NOEMS in favour of RAM switches in
EMM386, but I'll suck it and see.

Always open to tweaks that do something useful. Climb in with more as you
see fit. What works with one person don't always work elsewhere, but we can
all use PLENTY of knowledge. Not a little of course, as that's a dangerous
thing someone said. Probably Billy Gates. (Alexander Pope? I forget)

Warmest regards.

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6. Re: Hymem & DLL

The way your bois does thing (or the way i understand the way it does
them) is weird...It sounded like the A: drive is (except when its the
HD)  what ever drive you boot from...That is the first souce of my
confusion....the next was the programs that i didnt know what were... I
use configs like yours when i play privateer 1..it needs 630k base and
in pure dos that is a hard thing to get with sound & video drivers...
=)...i would make a diff boot batch file for each config...then just
call a new batch file so that each one has only the commands for the
load you want...as for the config.sys i dont think you can have differnt
ones and a call the one you want(i might be wrong..i never tried so i
dont know)...there is a program that comes with real sound blasters that
let you load drivers from a promt..dont need to boot to get them...this
would be perfect for you(or so i think)...if i find it ill post it....

>Thanks Grape,
>I tidied up a much more complex config.sys and bunged some "high" bits
>the [common] section without thinking. It's remedied.
>stacks/high - Windoze/DOS steals some unnecessary default allocation of
>memory here if you omit this setting, so this is me telling it to sod
>fcbs - Pretty much obsolete and covered by the files setting now. MS
sets a
>default of 4 if you don't specify. 1 is the minimum allowed so 1 is
what I
>noauto - (Extract from the W95 CD-ROM ResKit HelpFile - Windows 95
>automatically reserves memory in the UMA unless CONFIG.SYS contains the
>entry dos=noauto or if HIMEM.SYS and EMM386 are not loaded). Dunno if
>applies to W98, it doesn't seem to contain the amount of DOS info that
>provided. I don't want Windoze EVER to take my configuration for
>and this worked in W95, so on the principal that if it ain't bust don't
>The /p options in VIDE_CDD.SYS do God knows what, but they were
>loaded by the installation so I didn't tamper. The CD-ROM stuff is only
>loaded in pure DOS anyway as it's there in a DOSBox by default.
>SHSUCDX is a better than MSCDEX utility. It's on Simtel, uses less
>can be unloaded at the command line, other stuff.
>DOS32A is a programming utility, not anything to do with the OS.
>The shell bit is because 4DOS is hugely better than command.com (which
>will get lumbered with in DOS if you don't specify otherwise) and well
>a few more bytes. It loads into XMS so minimal use of basemem, and has
>global history/alias/environment accessible from any DOS shell (Windows
>DOSBpx too). Saves using any number of other separate utilities (No
need for
>DOSKEY, extremely complex aliasing techniques, huge range of internal
>commands, environment and other variables built in that allow amazing
>scripting/batch capabilities - you can tell I quite LIKE it...)
>.98 extensions allow me to keep track of which OS utility I'm using.
>Sometimes I use some OPENDOS stuff, and MS doesn't seem to care about
>extensions in device drivers, so in DOSMode I could be using
>DEVICE=Whatever.702 or etc. It works.
>Normally I just boot into Windoze98 by default, but if I', in the
Doo-Doos I
>boot DOS. I have to bugger about with A: DriveLetters because normally
>BIOS is set to read ZipDrive as DriveA and Floppy as DriveB. It can
>boot from CD-ROM, which then becomes DriveA, but that's a rarely needed
>facility so I've not complicated things more than they already are.
>UKKEYB is a UK-Specific Keyboard driver that only uses about 400 bytes
>memory, rather than the 7k needed by MS-DOS equivalent. Us foreigners
>something in there or we get lumbered with US keyboards in DOS/DOSBox
>I don't need the POV stuff all the time, but rather than further
>stuff I leave the variables in. 4DOS leaves me about 620k free basemem,
so I
>figure I can be a leedle bit extravagant.
>All the %D0$ Drive letters basically allow me path access to my Tools
>directory whether I've booted from Zip or HD. It's duped on the Zip
>for the bad times that sometimes come to us all. The Boots folder is
also of
>course duped.
>Anyway, thanks again for the CONFIG.SYS stuff. Silly me with the
>section. I'm not sure I'll drop the NOEMS in favour of RAM switches in
>EMM386, but I'll suck it and see.
>Always open to tweaks that do something useful. Climb in with more as
>see fit. What works with one person don't always work elsewhere, but we
>all use PLENTY of knowledge. Not a little of course, as that's a
>thing someone said. Probably Billy Gates. (Alexander Pope? I forget)
>Warmest regards.

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7. Re: Hymem & DLL

Hi Grape,

Sorry. I didn't explain myself too well. I hardly ever boot from Drive A:,
but my BIOS has a choice of settings for which drive is Drive A: (CD-ROM, FD
or Zip - my Default A: is the Zip, but I can switch at boot if I alter my
BIOS settings on the way).

In OpenDOS, which I don't normally use, there is a utility called DEVLoad
which you can use to load/unload Device Drivers on the fly. You can download
OpenDOS (aka DR-DOS ... yup, still alive) from http://www.caldera.com/.
Also, under OpenDOS/DR-DOS you can use a `chain' command in config.sys to
run alternative configs. It doesn't support single multi-config config.sys
files so this is how they do it.

btw: Rearranged my fileshigh etc, but that *****! Windoze ignores high
settings anyway. However, I now have a few more bytes in a pure DOSBoot
session. I just had a look into my permanently 4DOSBox in Windows and I have
604,976 free BaseMem. Under pure DOS it's never less than 629,000. Am
looking at your suggestions and will tinker a bit more cos 629,000+ is still
not 629k, and if you can get 630k I've a way to go yet. Still, I reckon the
stuff 4DOS does is worth the couple of k basemem it uses (255 character
commandlines/pathlengths, more stuff than I've even begun to use yet). If
you program in real DOS, this is the DOS environment to use. Just rename
command.com to no.use and try it.

While I'm praising 4DOS, I forgot to say that previously mentioned SHSUCDX
(Sam Houston State University CD Extensions, alternative MSCDEX and more) is
(a) FREE (b) uses MUCH less memory than MSCDEX, so is double-plus good for

Also if there's any Brits out there who would prefer 400byte UKKEYB to
7500byte KEYB UK (and no need for Keyboard.Sys) it can be found on the net
in various hidey-holes (Apricot Computers sites eg), but I have a slightly
later version which was customised for the original defuncy MJN Computers
(Not the present lot). Dunno if the copyright lives on, but it came to me
with an old 2nd-hand 486DX MJN, and I'll post an attachment if that's
acceptable and/or wanted).

You've saved me 3k+ Grape. Gimme, gimme, gimme and thanx 3times too.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Euphoria Programming for MS-DOS
> [mailto:EUPHORIA at LISTSERV.MUOHIO.EDU]On Behalf Of Grape Vine
> Sent: 1999 February 14 07:05
> Subject: Re: Hymem & DLL

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8. Re: Hymem & DLL

Ill post a copy of my config.sys and auto.bat once i find the
disk...been to long since i needed it...Thanx for the link to DR DOS..i
use its fdisk cuz it puts the boot sector on the inside track and not
the out like ms dos..boots faster...95 hates tho...i have a few DOS only
computers siting doing nothing..is there a link to 4DOS?...Ever see a
computer run with out a HD??...



>Hi Grape,
>Sorry. I didn't explain myself too well. I hardly ever boot from Drive
>but my BIOS has a choice of settings for which drive is Drive A:
>or Zip - my Default A: is the Zip, but I can switch at boot if I alter
>BIOS settings on the way).
>In OpenDOS, which I don't normally use, there is a utility called
>which you can use to load/unload Device Drivers on the fly. You can
>OpenDOS (aka DR-DOS ... yup, still alive) from http://www.caldera.com/.
>Also, under OpenDOS/DR-DOS you can use a `chain' command in config.sys
>run alternative configs. It doesn't support single multi-config
>files so this is how they do it.
>btw: Rearranged my fileshigh etc, but that *****! Windoze ignores high
>settings anyway. However, I now have a few more bytes in a pure DOSBoot
>session. I just had a look into my permanently 4DOSBox in Windows and I
>604,976 free BaseMem. Under pure DOS it's never less than 629,000. Am
>looking at your suggestions and will tinker a bit more cos 629,000+ is
>not 629k, and if you can get 630k I've a way to go yet. Still, I reckon
>stuff 4DOS does is worth the couple of k basemem it uses (255 character
>commandlines/pathlengths, more stuff than I've even begun to use yet).
>you program in real DOS, this is the DOS environment to use. Just
>command.com to no.use and try it.
>While I'm praising 4DOS, I forgot to say that previously mentioned
>(Sam Houston State University CD Extensions, alternative MSCDEX and
more) is
>(a) FREE (b) uses MUCH less memory than MSCDEX, so is double-plus good
>Also if there's any Brits out there who would prefer 400byte UKKEYB to
>7500byte KEYB UK (and no need for Keyboard.Sys) it can be found on the
>in various hidey-holes (Apricot Computers sites eg), but I have a
>later version which was customised for the original defuncy MJN
>(Not the present lot). Dunno if the copyright lives on, but it came to
>with an old 2nd-hand 486DX MJN, and I'll post an attachment if that's
>acceptable and/or wanted).
>You've saved me 3k+ Grape. Gimme, gimme, gimme and thanx 3times too.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Euphoria Programming for MS-DOS
>> [mailto:EUPHORIA at LISTSERV.MUOHIO.EDU]On Behalf Of Grape Vine
>> Sent: 1999 February 14 07:05
>> Subject: Re: Hymem & DLL

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9. Re: Hymem & DLL

On Sun, 14 Feb 1999 11:51:42 PST, Grape Vine <chat_town at HOTMAIL.COM> wrote:

>Ever see a computer run with out a HD??...

Yeah.  I had no choice for about 2 weeks.  No windows.
I guess I could have run Win3.x.  I didn't bother trying.

My 6.4G HD crashed and I was running from a friends computer
most of the time. Otherwise I was using my Jaz drive.  1Gig
of Jaz beat the {9,5,12,12}+96 out of single floppy.

    Lucius L. Hilley III

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10. Re: Hymem & DLL

>Ever see a computer run with out a HD??...

Well, yeah.. Had to when the 2nd computer didn't have a hard drive. Using a
fancy autoexec.bat file, I copied command.com to a 4 meg RAM disk and
started it from there, so the boot disk was no longer needed until reboot.
Too bad I don't think I have that startup disk anymore....

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11. Re: Hymem & DLL

Grape and anyone else,

I know this has been slightly (?) off the Euphoria track, but as most of us
use it in DOS, and many of you write for gamers who need the basemem:

4DOS can be found on Simtel, or direct from http://www.jpsoft.com. They also
do a WinDoh!s item called Take Command (More, with enhanced scripting and
etc), but I prefer 4DOS as DOS is still the only way out of the cow-pie in
troubled times for most of us. It also comes in OS2 & NT flavours, and I am
NOT on commission. Multiple commands on the command line, file selection,
string/date/time/stopityoureboringthem parsing, REXX compatibility, global
commands shutupshutup...

The latest SHSUCDX that I've been able to find is at
http://www.shsu.edu/~csc_jhm/ (John McCoy's HomePage at SHSU). He says he
gave it to the FreeDOS (not Open/DR-DOS) project, but their link to their
version is away with the fairies (Well, I couldn't connect anyway). It comes
with all kinds of CD-ROM redirection/aliasing stuff, plus source.

Um, and if you ever really want to see what a computer can do without a HD,
visit http://www.qnx.com and download their demo disk. Surfing the net on a
1024x768 (or whatever you can do) with full GUI desktop. I thought it was an
elaborate sales come-on in demo mode till I did it. Screamingly fast too,
cuz it's all in RAM. I haven't checked to see if it does email, or
downloads, because it's on FD/RAMDisk, but I'll look sometime to see if
there's a save to HD option. They're flogging embedded systems, but if they
ever target us lesser mortals the Billy G can kiss my is that the time

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Euphoria Programming for MS-DOS
> [mailto:EUPHORIA at LISTSERV.MUOHIO.EDU]On Behalf Of Grape Vine
> Sent: 1999 February 14 19:52
> Subject: Re: Hymem & DLL

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