1. wish lists etc
- Posted by "BABOR, JIRI" <J.Babor at GNS.CRI.NZ> Jan 03, 1997
Hi Ad, Greetings from Aotearoa, The Land of The Long White Cloud, discovered by Europeans and named New Zealand through one of your countrymen, Abel Tasman, back in the 17th century. Thanks for your very kind comments, but I am not into tutorials. During the last few days, while looking after my youngest granddaughter (just over a year old, and beginning to walk!), I tried the next best thing I could think of: I wrote my own variant of the old game of Life. It is totally mouse driven and heavily commented - it should be an ideal opportunity, for someone really determined, to pick up a lot of bad habits... I have just sent a zipped copy to Rob Craig - it is a bit too big for inclusion in this forum. If Rob does not like it and you still want it, let me know and I'll send you a copy privately. Jiri. On a completely different topic: someone had a CASE statement on his/her wish list. Why? Especially not the clatter of the C variety! There is absolutely nothing you can do with it that cannot be done more intuitively with the simple if..elsif..else construct. But I support Alexander's call for an inline assembler and a better string module. Treating strings as other Euphoria sequences is perhaps purer in concept, but quite wasteful of resources and is never going to fly in practice... And while a some sort of object oriented extension to Euphoria would be quite desirable in the long run, what about a half-decent, genuine compiler in the meantime, to make our programs, when they are finished, load faster and run faster. Happy New Year, everybody! Jiri.
2. wish lists etc
- Posted by Robert Craig <72614.1667 at COMPUSERVE.COM> Jan 03, 1997
Jiri Babor writes: > I wrote my own variant of the > old game of Life. It is totally mouse driven and heavily commented - > it should be an ideal opportunity, for someone really determined, to > pick up a lot of bad habits... I have just sent a zipped copy to Rob Craig > - it is a bit too big for inclusion in this forum. If Rob does not like it > and you still want it, let me know and I'll send you a copy privately. Rob likes it! It's now on the Official Euphoria WEB page: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/robert_craig/
3. wish lists etc
- Posted by David Cuny <HW1.DCUNY at HW1.CAHWNET.GOV> Jan 03, 1997
*** Reply to note of 01/02/97 20:35 re: why do i want a case statement. as with most things, the CASE statement can be done with the classic if/else/endif. however, the QBASIC (not C!) version is a little bit different from what you might have in mind. it takes the form: SELECT CASE <expression> CASE <test>... CASE <test>... CASE ELSE... END SELECT where the test is the *right hand side* of the expression. it's just a shorthand, so you can write: SELECT CASE foo CASE 1 TO 10 ... CASE 11,13,17 ... CASE > 20 ... CASE ELSE END SELECT but yes, you can get the same results with an if clause. the CASE just gives a shorthand (lazier) way to write. i find: CASE 1 to 10 easier to read than: elsif foo >= 1 and foo <= 10 ... although they amount to the same thing. -- david cuny