1. Matrix Algebra
- Posted by Arthur Adamson <euclid at HOST.HORANDATA.NET> Dec 07, 1996
- Last edited Dec 08, 1996
--=====================_818393689==_ From Arthur Adamson re Matrix Algebra --=====================_818393689==_
2. Re: Matrix Algebra
- Posted by Robert Craig <72614.1667 at COMPUSERVE.COM> Dec 08, 1996
- Last edited Dec 09, 1996
Arthur Adamson writes: > global type vector(integer len) > --type vector(x) creates and initializez ax x element vector to 0 > > sequence s > s = {0.0} > > for i = 2 to len by 1 do s = s & {0} > end for > return s > end type In Euphoria a "type" should return 0 (FALSE) or non-zero (TRUE). Perhaps you mean "function". In this code and some similar code that you posted I would rather see something like: repeat(0, x) -- standard Euphoria library routine, repeats 0 x times rather than a "&" or append() loop. repeat() is simpler, executes faster, and handles the case of length 0 correctly. (Of course by initializing s to the empty sequence, {}, and running the for-loop from 1 to n, the loop method above could also handle length-0 correctly). You can initialize a "2-dimensional" sequence using: z = repeat(repeat(0,x), y) and so on for 3-d, 4-d etc. Other than that, I think a matrix algebra package could be quite useful. I don't know of anyone who is working on one. Regards, Rob Craig Rapid Deployment Software
3. Re: Matrix Algebra
- Posted by Arthur Adamson <euclid at HORANDATA.NET> Dec 09, 1996
At 09:08 PM 12/8/96 EST, you wrote: >---------------------- Information from the mail header ----------------------- >Sender: Euphoria Programming for MS-DOS <EUPHORIA at >MIAMIU.ACS.MUOHIO.EDU> >Poster: Robert Craig <72614.1667 at COMPUSERVE.COM> >Subject: Re: Matrix Algebra >------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > >Arthur Adamson writes: >> global type vector(integer len) >> --type vector(x) creates and initializez ax x element vector to 0 >> >> sequence s >> s = {0.0} >> >> for i = 2 to len by 1 do s = s & {0} >> end for >> return s >> end type > >In Euphoria a "type" should return 0 (FALSE) or non-zero (TRUE). >Perhaps you mean "function". > >In this code and some similar code that you posted I would rather >see something like: > > repeat(0, x) -- standard Euphoria library routine, repeats 0 x times > >rather than a "&" or append() loop. repeat() is simpler, executes faster, and >handles the case of length 0 correctly. (Of course by initializing s >to the empty sequence, {}, and running the for-loop from 1 to n, >the loop method above could also handle length-0 correctly). > >You can initialize a "2-dimensional" sequence using: > > z = repeat(repeat(0,x), y) > >and so on for 3-d, 4-d etc. > >Other than that, I think a matrix algebra package could be quite useful. >I don't know of anyone who is working on one. > >Regards, > Rob Craig > Rapid Deployment Software > ------------------------------- Rob, thanks for the help. I will incorporate your suggestions but not real soon since I will be gone for a month or so. Bye Art Arthur P. Adamson, The Engine Man, euclid at mail.horandata.net
4. Re: Matrix Algebra
- Posted by Walt Walton <wwwalton at ROCHESTER.INFI.NET> Dec 10, 1996
I needed to quickly put together Vector Add/Subtract/Dot/X product. Created the following but it's not error free; I am still working on=20 ironing out some details; the arccos/arcsin would probably be better=20 done through an external call to 'C' function, I'll wait for that feature. Having done some work in APL, I think there is alot of value to euphoria in matrix manipulations; I was impressed by my ability to quickly generate a 64 billion 3D array of integers, something I would be hardpressed to do in 'C'. The special ascii characters are: 224,225,231 for alpha, beta, gamma unit angles on the vectors. -WWW (that's not world wide web, just my initials) include get.e include graphics.e include matx.e --Calculate magnitude of 3d vector function SizeVect(sequence v) atom siz sequence r1 =20 r1 =3D power(v,2) siz =3D power(r1[1] + r1[2] + r1[3],.5) return siz end function --Print sequence vector in ijk format (with highlight) procedure PrintVect(sequence v, integer r, integer c) sequence sign sign =3D " + " position(r,c) printf(1,"%g",v[1]) text_color(BRIGHT_CYAN) puts(1,"i") text_color(WHITE) if v[2] < 0 then sign =3D " - " v[2] =3D v[2] * -1 end if printf(1,sign & "%g",v[2]) text_color(BRIGHT_CYAN) puts(1,"j") text_color(WHITE) sign =3D " + " if v[3] < 0 then sign =3D " - " v[3] =3D v[3] * -1 end if =20 printf(1,sign & "%g",v[3]) text_color(BRIGHT_CYAN) puts(1,"k") text_color(WHITE) end procedure --Provide data retrieval procedure Xtern(atom in) integer fn fn =3D open("tst.in","w") printf(fn,"%g",in) close(fn) end procedure sequence ans, mat, mat1, mat2, wrk atom NOTDONE, rc, scalar, w3, w4 atom t NOTDONE =3D 1 while NOTDONE do clear_screen() position(20,1) =20 puts(1,"Enter 3D vector A sequence: {i,j,k} 0 to end->") ans =3D get(0) if atom(ans[2]) then exit end if rc =3D length(ans[2]) if rc =3D 0 then NOTDONE =3D 0 else mat1 =3D ans[2] w3 =3D SizeVect(mat1) position(2,1) puts(1,"Vector A is: ") PrintVect(mat1,2,15) printf(1," mag=3D%g",w3) printf(1," =E0=3D%g =E1=3D%g =E7=3D%g",{arccos(mat1[1]/w3),arcsin(mat1[2]= /w3), arccos(mat1[3]/w3)}) position(21,1) puts(1,"Enter 3D vector B sequence ->") ans =3D get(0) mat2 =3D ans[2] w4 =3D SizeVect(mat2) position(3,1) puts(1,"Vector B is: ") PrintVect(mat2,3,15) printf(1," mag=3D%g",w4) printf(1," =E0=3D%g =E1=3D%g =E7=3D%g",{arccos(mat2[1]/w4),arcsin(mat2[2]= /w4), arccos(mat2[3]/w4)}) -- Vector manipulations ----- -- Vector Add mat =3D mat1 + mat2 position(5,1) puts(1,"^A + ^B =3D ") PrintVect(mat,5,15) =20 -- Vector Subtract ------- mat =3D mat1 - mat2 position(6,1) puts(1,"^A - ^B =3D ") PrintVect(mat,6,15) -- Dot Product ------ mat =3D mat1 * mat2 scalar =3D mat[1] + mat[2] + mat[3] position(7,1) puts(1,"^A =F8 ^B =3D ") -- graphic dot is 248 decimal printf(1,"%g",scalar) -- Cross product ---- wrk =3D repeat(0,6) -- initialize work matrix wrk[1] =3D mat1[1] * mat2[2] wrk[2] =3D mat1[1] * mat2[3] * -1 wrk[3] =3D mat1[2] * mat2[1] * -1 wrk[4] =3D mat1[2] * mat2[3] wrk[5] =3D mat1[3] * mat2[1] wrk[6] =3D mat1[3] * mat2[2] * -1 mat[1] =3D wrk[4] + wrk[6] -- new i mat[2] =3D wrk[2] + wrk[5] -- new j mat[3] =3D wrk[1] + wrk[3] -- new k position(8,1) puts(1,"^A X ^B =3D ") PrintVect(mat,8,15) t =3D scalar / (w3 * w4) Xtern(t) position(9,1) printf(1,"Angle =E9 =3D %g degrees", arccos(scalar / (w3 * w4))) rc =3D wait_key() end if end while clear_screen() puts(1,"--The End--") ---- Include file matx.e ----- global constant PI =3D 3.14159265 --constant PI2 =3D 1.570796326794896619231322 -- pi / 2 --constant PI3 =3D 1.047197551196597746154214 -- pi / 3 --constant PI4 =3D 0.7853981633974483096156608 -- pi / 4 --constant SQRTPI =3D 1.772453850905516027298167 -- sqrt(pi) --constant SQRT2PI =3D 2.506628274631000502415765 -- sqrt(2.pi) --constant TWOPI =3D 6.283185307179586476925287 -- 2.pi --constant LNPI =3D 1.144729885849400174143427 -- ln(pi) --constant LOGPI =3D 0.4971498726941338543512683 -- log(pi) --constant LOGE =3D 0.4342944819032518276511289 -- log(e) --constant LN10 =3D 2.302585092994045684017991 -- ln(10) global constant E =3D 2.718281828459045235360287 -- exp(1) global constant ONERAD =3D 57.295779513082320876798155 -- 1 rad in =F8 global constant ONEDEG =3D 0.017453292519943295769237 -- 1=F8 in rad sequence cos_angls sequence sin_angls atom cos_init atom sin_init cos_init =3D 0 sin_init =3D 0 --Generate an integer sequence -- behaves as APL interval function global function interval(atom lim) sequence n n =3D {} puts(1,"Sequence initialized\n") for x=3D1 to lim do n =3D append(n,x) end for return n end function global function stripCR(sequence in) sequence wrk wrk =3D in[1..(length(in)-1)] return wrk end function --arc trig functions do a onetime build of sin/cos table -- then extrapolates to return angle in degrees=20 -- compute arccos, return angle in degrees whose cosine is theta global function arccos(atom in)=20 atom sel, wrk1, wrk2, wrk3 if cos_init =3D 0 then cos_init =3D 9 cos_angls =3D repeat(0.0,360) for x=3D1 to 360 do cos_angls[x] =3D cos(x * ONEDEG) if x =3D 90 or x =3D 270 then cos_angls[x] =3D 0 end if end for end if sel =3D 1=20 while in < cos_angls[sel] do sel =3D sel + 1 end while=20 sel =3D sel - 1 wrk1 =3D in - cos_angls[sel] wrk2 =3D cos_angls[sel+1]-cos_angls[sel] wrk3 =3D sel + wrk1 / wrk2 return wrk3 end function -- compute arcsin, return angle in degrees whose sine is theta global function arcsin(atom in)=20 atom sel, wrk1, wrk2, wrk3 if sin_init =3D 0 then sin_init =3D 9 sin_angls =3D repeat(0.0,360) for x=3D1 to 360 do sin_angls[x] =3D sin(x * ONEDEG) if x =3D 90 or x =3D 360 then sin_angls[x] =3D 0 end if end for end if sel =3D 1=20 while in > sin_angls[sel] do sel =3D sel + 1 if sin_angls[sel] < 0 then in =3D -in else if sin_angls[sel-1] <=3D 0 then in =3D -in end if =20 end if end while=20 sel =3D sel - 1 if sel =3D 0 then sel =3D 359 end if wrk1 =3D in - sin_angls[sel] wrk2 =3D sin_angls[sel+1]-sin_angls[sel] wrk3 =3D sel + wrk1 / wrk2 return wrk3 end function