1. 3D prototypes
- Posted by Matt Sephton <u5ms at CSC.LIV.AC.UK> Feb 27, 1997
--------------77257F0331B I've modofied Mr. Honnor's 3D prototype and speed it up by nearly a frame per second. Unfortunately, it seems to be his algorithm (perspecive correction every pixel!) which runs slowly. Matt Sephton -- u5ms at csc.liv.ac.uk http://www.csc.liv.ac.uk/~u5ms/ --------------77257F0331B Content-Disposition: inline; filename="ancients.ex" -- Hi, I've signalled some optimisations you may be interested in for your -- proper game if it uses similar code to this example. They are preceded by --MS: -- Time this .ex by pressing escape after a full 'cycle', or run the original -- then run my modified version -- INCLUDE FILES without type_check include graphics.e include image.e --include machine.e --dont need these yet! --include mouse.e --include ratbag.e -- CONSTANTS --doesn't use trig for perspective, --but will soon use trig for rotation. --constant pi = 3.141592654 --constant rad = pi/180 constant X = 1 constant Y = 2 -- VARIABLES atom count atom t atom pos atom key object junk sequence map sequence sky sequence page sequence vp -- count=0 t=time() pos=1 key=-1 map = (repeat(repeat(2,100),100)) for hx = 1 to 100 do for hy = 1 to 100 do if rand(50)=1 then map[hx][hy]=1 end if end for end for page={1,0} vp={159,99} map[20][20]=1 map[21][20]=1 map[22][20]=1 map[23][20]=1 map[24][20]=1 map[20][21]=1 map[21][21]=1 map[22][21]=1 map[23][21]=1 map[21][22]=1 map[22][22]=1 for hx = 2 to 99 do for hy = 2 to 99 do if map[hx][hy]=1 then --if map[hx][hy+1] !=1 then --map[hx][hy+1]=0 --end if --if map[hx][hy-1] !=1 then --map[hx][hy-1]=0 --end if --if map[hx-1][hy] !=1 then --map[hx-1][hy]=0 --end if --if map[hx+1][hy] !=1 then --map[hx+1][hy]=0 --end if --MS: map[hx][hy+1]= (map[hx][hy+1] = 1) map[hx][hy-1]= (map[hx][hy-1] = 1) map[hx-1][hy]= (map[hx-1][hy] = 1) map[hx+1][hy]= (map[hx+1][hy] = 1) end if end for end for -- FUNCTIONS procedure pause() while get_key()=-1 do end while end procedure function even(atom x) --if floor(x/2)=x/2 then --return 1 --else --return 0 --end if --MS: return floor(x/2)=x/2 end function function ch(atom c , atom x , atom y) --if c=2 and even(x+y)then --c=15 --end if --return c --MS: if c=2 then if even(x+y) then c=15 end if end if return c end function function pers(atom pointx , atom pointy) sequence point2 point2={pointx,pointy} point2[X]=point2[X]-vp[X] --point2[X]=(point2[X]*2)/((point2[Y]*2)/vp[X]+1) --MS: point2[X]=point2[X]*2/(point2[Y]*2/vp[X]+1) point2[X]=point2[X]+vp[X] point2[Y]=point2[Y]/(point2[Y]/vp[Y]+1) return {point2[X],199-point2[Y]} end function procedure screen() --Note? --is multiply by 16 possible by bitwise shift? ask mailing list. --MS: integer x16, y16 junk=page[2] page[2]=page[1] page[1]=junk set_active_page(page[1]) set_display_page(page[2]) display_image({0,0},sky) for x = -15 to 35 do for y = 20 to 1 by -1 do if x+y >5 and x-y <16 and map[x+16][y+pos] !=1 then --polygon(ch(map[x+16][y+pos],x+16,y+pos),1, --{ pers(x*16-16,y*16-16), pers(x*16,y*16-16), --pers(x*16,y*16), pers(x*16-16,y*16)}) --MS: x*16 and y*16 now only computed once, maybe even better when bitwise? x16 = x*16 y16 = y*16 polygon(ch(map[x+16][y+pos],x+16,y+pos),1, { pers(x16-16,y16-16), pers(x16,y16-16), pers(x16,y16), pers(x16-16,y16)}) end if end for end for end procedure -- SETUP junk = graphics_mode(13) junk = palette(2,{0,35,0}) junk = palette(15,{0,25,0}) junk = palette(14,{0,0,40}) junk = palette(1,{0,0,55}) for w = 0 to 13 do --junk=palette(13-w,{0,w*2,w*6}) --MS: junk=palette(13-w,{0,w+w,w*6}) end for sky=repeat(repeat(0,320),200) junk = palette(0,{40,30,0}) for w = 1 to 200 do sky[w]=repeat(floor(w/20)+3,320) end for set_active_page(page[1]) set_display_page(page[2]) -- PROGRAM display_image({0,0},sky) t=time() while key != 27 do key = get_key() pos = pos+1 screen() if pos=80 then pos=1 end if count=count+1 end while junk=graphics_mode(-1) printf(1,"%.2f",count/(time()-t)) puts(1," Frames Per Second\nHit A Key!") pause() --------------77257F0331B--