1. Re: sprites - Reply
- Posted by The Reaper <reaper at LOKI.ATCON.COM> Feb 18, 1997
At 10:44 PM 2/17/97 -0800, you wrote: >> Gee, thanks. Why me? :) > >Cuz it's fun! Bahahahahahahahaha! You know Pakard, I think you're spending WAYYYYYYYYY too much time on that computer of yours... you oughtta take a vacation like Jiri (though I don't think he really is...) >You didn't fail, you just came up with another way not to do it! >Edison came up with 999 ways NOT to build the light bulb before he found >one way TO build a light bulb. yea, well I'm sure not going to waste my time coming up with 99 ways NOT to make the zipper program. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The Reaper (J. Lays) reaper at auracom.com ........................ . .. -||..........__...... "There are no miracles, . / ||......../-- \\.:::: Just dreams that come true, . ..| ||...... / o o| |.::: By the actions of someone .| _-||.......|| ^ / /.:::: Who didn't waste time dreaming." ..| |..||...... -\_- \ |\-.::: .| |.[< \ .../ \.:: .||.|||\|\ | -REAPER- . \.:::: ...|.\|| | \ | | |.:::. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-