1. Re: fontdemo - Reply
- Posted by David Cuny <HW1.DCUNY at HW1.CAHWNET.GOV> Feb 13, 1997
*** Reply to note of 02/13/97 07:15 if you don't mind redefining the DOS fonts, you can use the program I've got on the Web page that does just that. for those of us with slow machines, it's much faster. you can also choose to load only a portion of the font table into memory, so you can overload slices of your fonts as you like. this means you can keep your 'normal' characters, and load whatever special fonts you want into the upper portion. for one demo i wrote, i had two full versions of english loaded, as well as graphic check boxes and radio buttons. you can build your own font sets with any old DOS text editor. cheap, but effective. -- david cuny