1. A Crash Course in Game Design - syllabus
- Posted by Michael Packard <lgp at EXO.COM> Sep 15, 1996
People are bugging me about what we're gonna cover and when, so here is a preliminary Syllabus and Schedule: Week 1 - A general introduction to the course I. What we'll do over the course of the next few weeks, general issues we'll cover, and how we'll put the whole thing together. including a general schedule for the project. II. We'll discuss the difference between a GAME IDEA and a GAME DESIGN and very generally the parts of a game design specification, including: a) Project Codename b) General description c) Screen Description and User Interface Specification d) Art Specification e) Paragadigm Specification (How are we going to do each part?) 1) functions needed 2) flow chart f) AI Specification - What our characters need to know, how they will find out, and what they'll do about it. Week 2 - Specifying the game idea We'll discuss putting down in words the game idea, including what the player sees and does. This becomes the General Description. We'll also choose a project codename for this game. I'm leaning toward "Blinky" Week 3 - Screen Descriptions and User Interface Specification We'll cover the need to put down what will be on each screen, and how each screen will work. Game controls, and user feedback systems (sounds, blinky lights, between maze cartoons, scoreboard, etc) Week 4 - Art Specification What artwork do we need, what it should look like, Sprite sizes, resolution, colors, animations, fonts, mazes, etc. Week 5 - Paradigm specification How are we going to do this game, what functions will we need and how are we going to attack this beastie. Game flowcharts and what the player sees are detailed here. Week 6 - AI Specification This is the fun one. What will cause the characters to react, how are they to know to react, and what is their reaction? It takes some planning to get a ghost to wander aimlessly through a maze, and more to make him attack on sight. Week 7 - Design Spec loose ends. Whatever else we need to cover before programming begins Week 8 - Week 10 - data structures, virtual screens, sprite loaders, and updating the screen. This is everything it takes to get the sprites from the paint program to being drawn on the screen. : : : You get the idea. It's gonna be a long time before we actually start writing code, but that's how it works. You design all the parts BEFORE you code any of them for real. As I do a game, I sometimes prototype parts as I design to get a general idea of how it will work, but almost NEVER before I get to the Paradigm Spec In real life the design spec takes about a week to do, but I've been doing it for 15 years, and I want to have sufficient time for questions and answers In each session I will give the material and then you guys post any questions, or comments to the group or e-mail them to me and I'll respond on the group. All the specs will be available with images on my Euphoria page, and mirrored here in ASCII. We should be ready to start on Wednesday. Any questions? Michael Packard Lord Generic Productions lgp at exo.com http://exo.com/~lgp Euphoria Page - http://exo.com/~lgp/euphoria.htm