1. Extended memory size
- Posted by John Kinne <JDKINNE at MIAMIU.BITNET> Oct 09, 1996
I am still trying to figure out how to get the Extended Memory Size. A couple of people sent me code to compute *Expanded* Memory Size; but I really need *Extended*. My (old) DOS book says I should use interrupt 15 function 88. That always returns a zero. I was wondering, Robert, if sometime when you are talking to the Causeway Guy you could ask him if Causeway is responsible for returning the zero; if so is there a way around it. To get my installer to work I have used the external DOS MEM command and parsed the output. That is a miserable solution as the output of the MEM command changes in major ways from one DOS release to another, the output changes in minor (but crippling) ways from one DOS sub-release to another (someone forgot to insert commas in the output in a subrelease of DOS 6 - I had to make a revision to my installer after we discovered that, unfortunately we had already cut 4,000 disks). Thanks for the help John Kinne
2. Re: Extended memory size
- Posted by Jacques Deschjnes <desja at QUEBECTEL.COM> Oct 09, 1996
- Last edited Oct 10, 1996
John Kinne wrote >I am still trying to figure out how to get the Extended Memory Size. >A couple of people sent me code to compute *Expanded* Memory Size; >but I really need *Extended*. You can read this information from CMOS memory. I paste here a demo program to read some informations from CMOS RAM. ****************** CmosInfo.ex ******************* -- Get some information about the computer from cmos ram -- by Jacques Deschenes, Baie-Comeau, PQ. Canada include machine.e function Hex(integer i) -- convert integer number to hexadecimal. sequence HexDigit,HexStr HexDigit = "0123456789ABCDEF" HexStr = {} while i > 0 do HexStr=HexDigit[remainder(i,16)+1] & HexStr i = floor(i/16) end while if length(HexStr)=0 then return "#0" end if return '#' & HexStr end function -- Hex() sequence code code = { -- binaray code to #50,#53, -- PUSH AX, PUSH BX #BB,0,0,0,0, -- MOV EBX, 0 -- poke here a pointer to result storage #B0,#0, -- MOV AL, 0 -- poke here register to read #E6,#70, -- OUT #70, AL cmos register to be read #E4,#71, -- IN AL, #71 read cmos data byte #88,#03, -- MOV [EBX], AL store data byte at end of code segment #5B,#58,#C3, -- POP BX, POP AX, RET -- restore ax and bx and quit #0} -- DB ? end of code where cmos byte read will be stored. atom AsmFct AsmFct = allocate(length(code)) poke(AsmFct,code) function ReadCmosRegister(integer Register) poke(AsmFct+8,Register) call(AsmFct) return peek(AsmFct+length(code)-1) end function -- ReadCmosRegister() function HardDisk() integer C,D C = ReadCmosRegister(#19) D = ReadCmosRegister(#1A) return {C,D} end function -- HardDisk() function Floppies() sequence FloppyType integer FlopInfo FloppyType={"not installed","5.25\" 320KB","5.25\" 1.2MB","3.5\" 720KB","3.5\" 1.44MB"} FlopInfo = ReadCmosRegister(#10) return {FloppyType[floor(FlopInfo/16)+1], FloppyType[remainder(FlopInfo,16)+1]} end function -- Floppies() function GetConfig() -- Read cmos register #14 to knowns configuration -- it specify number of floppies, type of video adapter, coprocessor -- return sequence {NbFloppies,Video, MathProc} integer ConfigByte , NbFloppies,Video sequence VideoAdapt VideoAdapt={"Unknown, possibly VGA","40x25 CGA", "80x25 CGA","MDA (MonoChrome)"} ConfigByte=ReadCmosRegister(#14) NbFloppies = floor(ConfigByte/64)+1 ConfigByte = remainder(ConfigByte,64) Video = floor(ConfigByte/16)+1 ConfigByte = floor(ConfigByte/2) return{NbFloppies,VideoAdapt[Video],remainder(ConfigByte,2)} end function -- GetConfig() clear_screen() printf(1,"-------- INFORMATION READ FROM CMOS RAM -----------\n",{}) printf(1,"Memory\nbase memory size: %d Kbytes\n",{ ReadCmosRegister(#15)+ReadCmosRegister(#16)*256}) printf(1,"Extended memory size: %d KBytes\n", { ReadCmosRegister(#30)+ReadCmosRegister(#31)*256}) sequence config config = GetConfig() printf(1,"\n%d floppies installed\n",config[1]) printf(1,"\nFloppies\nA: %s\nB:%s\n",Floppies()) printf(1,"\nHard disk type\nC:%d\nD:%d\n",HardDisk()) printf(1,"\nVideo adapter: %s\n",{config[2]}) if config[3] then printf(1,"\nMath co-processor installed.",{}) else printf(1,"No math co-processor installed.",{}) end if printf(1,"\n",{}) free(AsmFct) ******************************************************************************** Jacques Deschenes
3. Re: Extended memory size
- Posted by John Kinne <JDKINNE at MIAMIU.BITNET> Oct 14, 1996
Jacques Deschjnes Thank You for the excellent code to detect Extended Memory Size. It is beautiful! I did not know that CMOS registers existed; now I have searched the internet for more info on them & not yet found anything. I'd like to know what else they can tell me. Thanks for the help John Kinne
4. Re: Extended memory size
- Posted by Robert Craig <72614.1667 at COMPUSERVE.COM> Oct 14, 1996
John Kinne writes: > Jacques Deschjnes > Thank You for the excellent code to detect Extended Memory Size. I tried Jacques code on two machines here and it gave correct information for extended memory size, floppies etc. The machines were: 486 running either DOS 6.2 or win3.1 DOS box, 8 Mb RAM and 2 floppies Pentium running Win 95 (or restarted in DOS mode), 32 Mb RAM and 1 floppy Rob Craig Rapid Deployment Software
5. Re: Extended memory size
- Posted by John Kinne <JDKINNE at MIAMIU.BITNET> Oct 14, 1996
I have also tried Jacques' code on a couple of machines & found it to work. I assume the machine code is required b/c of the #E6,#70, -- OUT #70, AL cmos register to be read #E4,#71, -- IN AL, #71 read cmos data byte instructions and that these can not be completed directly from Euphoria. Jacques, thanks again. John Kinne
6. Re: Extended memory size
- Posted by Jacques Deschjnes <desja at QUEBECTEL.COM> Oct 14, 1996
Hi John, the binary code is essential because, there is no input and output to hardware port in euphoria. I wish there will be in next version. for the moment one have to code it in binary (see ports.e, I posted a few days ago. it give access to all hardware ports.) about CMOS RAM: CMOS RAM is a small memory (128 bytes) wich keep all bios setup information. In fact it is in the real time clock chip and kept alive by a rechargable ni-cad batterie. There is much more information in that cmos than cmosdemo show. From there you can get the spec of each installed hardisk (cylender, head,sector) You can read time and date too. the information I got is from the following source. CMOS Memory Map v1.21 January, 1994 Compiled from multiple sources by Padgett Peterson Corrections/additions/comments to: padgett at tccslr.dnet.mmc.com Jacques Deschenes
7. Re: Extended memory size
- Posted by John Kinne <JDKINNE at MIAMIU.BITNET> Oct 15, 1996
Jacques, Thanks again. I found a CMOS Memory Map at http://www.brl.ntt.jp/people/takehiko/interrupt/CMOS.LST.txt From a quick inspection, your program grabs alot of the most interesting information. I have done quite a bit of systems type programming on mainframes, and just a tiny bit on PCs. I don't have the resources for the PC that I am used to. I bet its all on the web if I just know the right questions to ask. John Kinne