1. Not sure what this is(does)
- Posted by Monty King <kinm at MAILHOST.CYBERHIGHWAY.NET> Oct 04, 1996
- Last edited Oct 05, 1996
Hi everyone, I know this is probably a stupid question, but I have always beleived stupid questions to be the ones you never asked, so here goes... In these lines of Euphoria code: for i=1 to 30 by 1 do--number of bitmap (+1 for indexing in sequence purposes) for poop = 1 to (length(tank[i])) do for aloop = 1 to 29 do--length of bmp file a=tank[i][poop][(aloop)] Which are out of Michael Packard's tank demo program, what does the "(" and ")" around the "aloop" in the last line do? I understand that a is an atom, and have read the ref manual twice again and even browsed the library file, but can't find a reference to using parenthesis as a selector. Is this meaning specify the atom inside of that slice? P.S. the rem lines are added in by me, and are not necesarily right, I'm just trying to figure out what all these lines do, I am wanting to narrow down his virtual window, which doesn't look to hard, just more lines of code to select particular slices, but have this BIG question. Thanks in advance. Monty King
2. Re: Not sure what this is(does)
- Posted by David W Schmitt <mordrake at JUNO.COM> Oct 05, 1996
On Fri, 4 Oct 1996 22:02:56 -0600 Monty King <kinm at MAILHOST.CYBERHIGHWAY.NET> writes: >---------------------- Information from the mail header >----------------------- >Sender: Euphoria Programming for MS-DOS ><EUPHORIA at MIAMIU.ACS.MUOHIO.EDU> >Poster: Monty King <kinm at MAILHOST.CYBERHIGHWAY.NET> >Subject: Not sure what this is(does) >------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > Hi everyone, I know this is probably a stupid question, but I >have >always beleived stupid questions to be the ones you never asked, so >here goes... > >In these lines of Euphoria code: > > > >for i=1 to 30 by 1 do--number of bitmap (+1 for indexing in sequence >purposes) >for poop = 1 to (length(tank[i])) do > for aloop = 1 to 29 do--length of bmp file > > a=tank[i][poop][(aloop)] > > >Which are out of Michael Packard's tank demo program, what does the >"(" and ")" >around the "aloop" in the last line do? I understand that a is an >atom, and >have read the ref manual twice again and even browsed the library >file, but >can't find a reference to using parenthesis as a selector. Is this >meaning >specify the atom inside of that slice? > >P.S. the rem lines are added in by me, and are not necesarily right, >I'm >just trying to figure out what all these lines do, I am wanting to >narrow >down his virtual window, which doesn't look to hard, just more lines >of code >to select particular slices, but have this BIG question. > >Thanks in advance. >Monty King > I'm (very) new to the list, and I was hoping you could tell me where i could get come .EX files to study... I have tried multiple times to write in Euphoria, but to no avail, so my last-ditch effort is to gather as much source as I can to analyze... The only Inet access I have is EMail, so if you (or if you know someone who would) could send me some code, or if you know a way I can get it via email, I'd owe ya big...
3. Re: Not sure what this is(does)
- Posted by Marcel Kollenaar <M.Kollenaar at SLO.NL> Oct 07, 1996
Hello Monty, You wrote: > Hi everyone, I know this is probably a stupid question, but I have > always beleived stupid questions to be the ones you never asked, so here goes... There are no stupid questions [...]. > > In these lines of Euphoria code: > > for i=1 to 30 by 1 do--number of bitmap (+1 for indexing in sequence purposes) > for poop = 1 to (length(tank[i])) do > for aloop = 1 to 29 do--length of bmp file > > a=tank[i][poop][(aloop)] > > > Which are out of Michael Packard's tank demo program, what does the "(" and ")" > around the "aloop" in the last line do? I understand that a is an atom, and > have read the ref manual twice again and even browsed the library file, but > can't find a reference to using parenthesis as a selector. Is this meaning > specify the atom inside of that slice? Look what happens when you leave the "(" and ")" out of the code. I always use parenthesis if I need to change the predetermined precedence of evaluation. > P.S. the rem lines are added in by me, and are not necesarily right, I'm > just trying to figure out what all these lines do, I am wanting to narrow > down his virtual window, which doesn't look to hard, just more lines of code > to select particular slices, but have this BIG question. > > Thanks in advance. > Monty King Marcel Kollenaar