1. Genetic algorithm, prisonner's dillemma
- Posted by Gavin Doig <Marrcps at AOL.COM> Mar 27, 1997
Content-ID: <0_11686_859466705 at emout03.mail.aol.com.1905> Content-type: text/plain The included .zip file has euphoria code for a simple genetic algorithm, and for a cellular automata which plays the prisonner's dilemma. I'm sure I could spell that yesterday. Dilema? Dillema? Dillema? Whatever, you know what I mean. Any questions/comments/suggestion/dictionaries to Gavin Doig, marrcps at aol.com I will reply in a couple of weeks, after the easter holidays. Content-ID: <0_11686_859466705 at emout03.mail.aol.com.1906> Content-type: application/octet-stream; name="GENE.ZIP"
2. Re: Genetic algorithm, prisonner's dillemma
- Posted by Michael Packard <lgp at EXO.COM> Mar 27, 1997
On Thu, 27 Mar 1997, Gavin Doig wrote: > The included .zip file has euphoria code for a simple genetic algorithm, and > for a cellular automata which plays the prisonner's dilemma. > I'm sure I could spell that yesterday. Dilema? Dillema? Dillema? Whatever, > you know what I mean. um, what IS the "Prisoners Dilemma?" (I checked the spelling on both - that dictionary I bought at the .99 store really comes in handy sometimes!) Michael