1. 'stardate' functions

-- 'stardate' functions: requested by Joseph Martin
-- kwisoft (c) 1997

global constant MONTHS  = {"January","February","March","April","May","June",

-- SNIP -<code I found somewhere; sorry to the poster; I don't know who it was>
global function isyearleap(integer year)
--  Returns 1 if year is a leap year, 0 otherwise.
--  Source:  "Practical Algorithms for Programmers"
--  By:  Andrew Binstock and John Rex
    if not remainder(year,4) = 0 then       -- If year not divisible by 4
        return 0                            -- it's not leap.
    elsif year < 1582 then                  -- All years divisible by 4 were
        return 1                            -- leap prior to 1582.
    elsif remainder(year,100) != 0 then     -- If year divisible by 4,
        return 1                            -- but not by 100, its leap.
    elsif not remainder(year,400) = 0 then  -- If year divisible by 100,
        return 0                            -- but not by 400, it's not leap.
        return 1                            -- If divisible by 400, it's leap.
    end if
end function    -- isyearleap
-- SNIP ----------------------------------------------------------------

global function day2month(integer day, integer year)
sequence result, total_days
    result = {"ERROR", 0} -- display if input incorrect
    total_days = {0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365}
    if isyearleap(year) then
        total_days[3..13] = total_days [ 3..13]+ 1
    end if
    for month = 1 to 12 do
        if day > total_days[month] and day <= total_days[month+1] then
            result = {MONTHS[month], day - total_days[month]}
        end if
    end for
    return result
end function    -- day2month
-- test it  --

integer day, year

day = 85
year = 1997

printf(1, "Today it is %s %d, %d\n", day2month(day, year) & year)

puts(1, "\nPress a key.....\n")
while get_key() = -1 do
end while

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2. 'stardate' functions

reply to Joseph Martin:

You asked for improvement on your 'day2month() function. Well, included
you'll find an attempt of mine. The function 'isyearleap()' however is not
mine; I downloaded it some time ago from this listserver. I'm sorry, but I
can not recollect who posted it.
I tested the functions a bit, although not thoroughly.

What you mean by stardates and all that code I don't know. Is it something
from Science Fiction? I recall that it was used on the USS Enterprise.
Anyway, I hope my code works for you.


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3. Re: 'stardate' functions

>What you mean by stardates and all that code I don't know. Is it something
>from Science Fiction? I recall that it was used on the USS Enterprise.
>Anyway, I hope my code works for you.

I have a DOS program that displays the Stare Date, alas
there is no source code with it.  Some one can probably
figure it out from trial inputs.  I'll e-mail it to any one
that asks.

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