1. Re: My first program
- Posted by Joseph Martin <jam at EXIS.NET> Mar 26, 1997
- Last edited Mar 27, 1997
Thanks for all the help and tips. It shows that the Re: Money thread isn't the only going around the Listserv. I will experiement with the code tomorrow and *maybe* send the code to Robert Craig tomorrow night. Response to your comments >Ad Rienks >------------ >What you mean by stardates and all that code I don't know. Is it >something from Science Fiction? I recall that it was used on the USS >Enterprise. Yes the stardates are used on all the Star Trek spinoffs. >James Powell >---------------- >good luck in all your programming efforts, and please do share your >code when finished, ok? Yes, I will post the full source code. Thanks for the factorinbg looping bit of code, David. If I don't use it in the program I will definitely keep it for an example of good ways to use for and if loops. ~~>Joseph Martin ~~>Personal: joe at cyber-wizard.com ~~>Web: jam.net at poboxes.com ~~>URL: http://users.exis.net/~jam/