1. Small Wrapper Update
- Posted by Icy_Viking Apr 30, 2023
I've updated EuAllegro to with the updated FFI library. For example I changed define_c_type to define_c_struct, so that it will actually work with FFI.
If you have any ideas or other libraries that I can try to wrap, let me know.
--Simple Display Window demo --Draw primitive shapes include allegro.e include keycodes.e include std/ffi.e include primitives.e procedure main() atom x = al_install_system(ALLEGRO_VERSION_INT,0) atom a = al_init_primitives_addon() if x = -1 then puts(1,"Failed to init Allegro!\n") abort(0) end if if a = -1 then puts(1,"Failed to init addon!\n") abort(0) end if atom dis = al_create_display(800,600) if dis = -1 then puts(1,"Failed to create display!\n") abort(0) end if al_set_window_title(dis,"Primitive Demo") sequence BLUE = al_map_rgb(0,0,255) sequence GREEN = al_map_rgb(0,255,0) al_draw_line(800 / 2,0,800,600,BLUE,0) al_draw_rectangle(100,100,100,100,GREEN,50) al_flip_display() al_rest(5.0) al_shutdown_primitives_addon() al_destroy_display(dis) end procedure main()