1. Bignums

What's the search term that gives me what Euphoria does with bignums in the manual?


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2. Re: Bignums

axtens_bruce said...

What's the search term that gives me what Euphoria does with bignums in the manual?


I called it string math?

Last i think i had anything to do with it was this:



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3. Re: Bignums

I had forgotten about bignum-eu which I wrote back in the early 2000s. It seems I once knew a lot more about Euphoria than I do now. Mind you, that was probably before 14 years of prozac.

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4. Re: Bignums

axtens_bruce said...

What's the search term that gives me what Euphoria does with bignums in the manual?


Not sure if we support bignums in the stdlib yet.

I remember http://www.rapideuphoria.com/httphttp://malcom.unkmar.com/hol/FilesEu/bigfixed-0.6704.zip from Lucius L. Hilley III but I am not sure where to obtain a copy now that his website down.

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5. Re: Bignums

jimcbrown said...
axtens_bruce said...

What's the search term that gives me what Euphoria does with bignums in the manual?


Not sure if we support bignums in the stdlib yet.

I remember http://www.rapideuphoria.com/httphttp://malcom.unkmar.com/hol/FilesEu/bigfixed-0.6704.zip from Lucius L. Hilley III but I am not sure where to obtain a copy now that his website down.


Something is screwing up the urls on mine and Jim's post. Cure: wrap it in eucode tags.


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6. Re: Bignums

katsmeow said...
jimcbrown said...

I remember http://www.rapideuphoria.com/httphttp://malcom.unkmar.com/hol/FilesEu/bigfixed-0.6704.zip from Lucius L. Hilley III but I am not sure where to obtain a copy now that his website down.


Brilliant! Thanks for that.

katsmeow said...

Something is screwing up the urls on mine and Jim's post. Cure: wrap it in eucode tags.



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7. Re: Bignums

axtens_bruce said...

I had forgotten about bignum-eu which I wrote back in the early 2000s.

I feel I do have to say that memoising a bignum library is a really, really, really bad idea...
Maybe, and it's still not a good idea, you might get away with just the last ~100 calcs...
But any serious use, and it is just simply and quite severely crippled.

PS: I wrapped Carogan's bigatom for Phix, but then I discovered mpfr and it just totally blew it away.

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8. Re: Bignums

petelomax said...

... then I discovered mpfr and it just totally blew it away.

GMP/MPFR are far and away the best there is and something I could never do. I don't think I knew much about using DLLs in Euphoria at the time. I found Skiena's code and tried to port it. Then got busy with other things, including Depression.


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