1. Unit tests all work
- Posted by SDPringle Jul 01, 2022
I'm pleased to announce that I have fixed the interpreter and in some cases adjusted the unit tests to reflect the 64 bit reality so that they all pass except for the t_net_http. I am not interested in maintaining this. I don't think anyone else should either. We have libcurl. If you want HTTP like behavior, you probably should use HTTPS instead and you can do both by wrapping Euphoria for
LIBCURL : https://web.archive.org/web/20050204080544/rays-web.com/eulibcurl.htm
2. Re: Unit tests all work
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Jul 01, 2022
I'm pleased to announce that I have fixed the interpreter and in some cases adjusted the unit tests to reflect the 64 bit reality so that they all pass except for the t_net_http. I am not interested in maintaining this. I don't think anyone else should either. We have libcurl. If you want HTTP like behavior, you probably should use HTTPS instead and you can do both by wrapping Euphoria for
I have a mostly-complete CURL wrapper in Euphoria MVC that I plan to migrate into the standard library: https://github.com/OpenEuphoria/euphoria-mvc/tree/master/include/curl