1. [Phix] Language Feature Request: For Each
- Posted by euphoric (admin) Dec 10, 2021
How about a For...Each...End For?
for each key as string in {"one","two","three"} ?key end for -- or next
for each id as integer in {2,4,6} ?key end for
for each key as object in {"Hello",3,{1,2,3}} ?key end for
all_keys = getd_all_keys(myDict) for each key as string in all_keys ?key ?getd(key,myDict) end for
2. Re: [Phix] Language Feature Request: For Each
- Posted by begin Dec 10, 2021
+1 - I like that
3. Re: [Phix] Language Feature Request: For Each
- Posted by begin Dec 10, 2021
+1 - I like that
4. Re: [Phix] Language Feature Request: For Each
- Posted by petelomax Dec 10, 2021
How about a For...Each...End For?
I wrote some design notes two years or so ago and reached the conclusions that
1: "in" [along with the optional-ish ','] suffices, there is no need for "each" or "as"
2: there should not be an index-less form (more on that below)
3: After two years no further movement, so don't be expecting this anytime soon.
4: I will also have to revisit all of this with my p2js hat on.
Instead of (assuming "do" ommission was accidental)
for each key as string in {"one","two","three"} do for each id as integer in {2,4,6} do for each key as object in {"Hello",3,{1,2,3}} do for each key as string in all_keys do
I was thinking
for i, string key in {"one","two","three"} do for i, id in {2,4,6} do for i, object key in {"Hello",3,{1,2,3}} do for i, string key in all_keys do
and also
for integer i, string key in {"one","two","three"} do for integer i, id in {2,4,6} do for integer i, object key in {"Hello",3,{1,2,3}} do for integer i, string key in all_keys do
to explicitly state that i must not pre-exist (as well as explicitly type it).
Notice how id "inherits" the integer type in both cases, that is when not overidden.
I decided against allowing an index-less form since it is needed internally anyway and might be helpful in an ex.err,
plus one thing such loops should certainly never do is implicitly modify the corresponding element, otherwise
all_keys or even the constant {"one","two","three"} magically becomes something else. Should you actually want
that sort of behaviour you should have to explicitly code (say) all_keys[i] = key.
Mind you, I've not debated that with anyone, and when(/if ever) I get round to implementing this,
I will no doubt try/test for integer /*i*/, <type> e..., and maybe change that decision.
In fact I've only just realised that <type> "in" suffices just as well as my original ',' "in".
One other case I considered was given say enum up, down, left, right then:
for d in {up, down, left, right} do
would become, because (w/o the ,e part) it checks that up..right form a contiguous range and complains if not
(ie should you want to do them in a different order or omit any or use any non-constants, you need the ,e part)
for d=1 to 4 do
as in "no building a sequence and no subscripting, just compile-time checks and searchable/more intuitive code".
-- or next
If you mean replace "end for" with "next", that's a firm "no thanks" from me.
It adds no value, damages the balance of the language, messes up parsing, syntax colouring (in at least seven completely different places), reindentation, Ctrl [ and Ctrl ] in Edita and Edix, translation to js, and probably more.
5. Re: [Phix] Language Feature Request: For Each
- Posted by euphoric (admin) Dec 10, 2021
How about a For...Each...End For?
I was thinking
for i, string key in {"one","two","three"} do for i, id in {2,4,6} do for i, object key in {"Hello",3,{1,2,3}} do for i, string key in all_keys do
Why "for i"? (It seems redundant.)
Should simply be:
for string key in {"one","two","three"} do for integer id in {2,4,6} do for object key in {"Hello",3,{1,2,3}} do for string key in all_keys do
"key" takes on the value of, not the pointer to, the element in the sequence it is iterating, so the iterable sequence never gets changed in this.
Javascript's forEach() is definitely interesting, but is a method on a class (it seems), so not analogous to Phix's version (it seems).
6. Re: [Phix] Language Feature Request: For Each
- Posted by petelomax Dec 10, 2021
- Last edited Dec 13, 2021
7. Re: [Phix] Language Feature Request: For Each
- Posted by petelomax Dec 13, 2021
Why "for i"? (It seems redundant.)
Sigh. I already explained this in detail above. Let me try again:
There has to be an index (how else do you suggest it iterates down a sequence?),
so I may as well force you to give it a name, and as a bonus show it in the ex.err,
plus it avoids the almost inevitable "so how do I modify all_keys then?" questions.
I'll take another look at hiding it/making it "optional" when/if ever implemented.
Javascript's forEach() is definitely interesting, but is a method on a class (it seems), so not analogous to Phix's version (it seems).
JavaScript's Array.forEach() is 96% slower than a plain for loop and requires an iterator which is inherently tied to the defining scope, plus there is no String.forEach() method.
(Note that p2js does not use JavaScript Objects at all, since despite their {} syntax they are far closer to dictionaries than Phix sequences, for which it uses [faster] Arrays.)
The Phix method would just be a shorthand anyway, and hence p2js would just slap out a longhand version, should I ever get round to it.
8. Re: [Phix] Language Feature Request: For Each
- Posted by _tom (admin) Dec 13, 2021
- ''for'' is a keyword; do not overload
- for reference, a Python loop looks like:
for x in mylist: print(x)
this is a clever way to hide the mess created by off-by-one indexing
suggested new feature
- the OE/Phix equivalent could look like
each <item> in <sequence> do <... statements> end each
sample usage
- simulate the existing ''for'' loop
each {i} in {"one","two","three"} do ? i end each
1 2 3
- simulate Python loop
each {i,x} in {"one","two","three"} do ? x end each
"one" "two" "three"
- demonstrate Euphoria thinking
each {i,key,value} in {{"eins","uno"}, {"dwei","duo"}, {"drei","tres"}} do ? key ? value ? "---" end each
"eins" "uno" "---" "dwei" "duo" "---" "drei" "tres" "---"
multiple assignment paradigm
the ''each'' statement implies
{ i, key, value } := { 3, "drei", "tres" } ^ ================= element as a flat sequence | index
be well _tom
9. Re: [Phix] Language Feature Request: For Each
- Posted by euphoric (admin) Dec 13, 2021
Why "for i"? (It seems redundant.)
There has to be an index (how else do you suggest it iterates down a sequence?),
I guess I'm not sure why it has to be user-facing. Sure, you have an index behind-the-scenes, but I, as a user, don't ever need it with this construct.
See tom's Python example. No user-facing index variable...
10. Re: [Phix] Language Feature Request: For Each
- Posted by _tom (admin) Dec 13, 2021
my typing is slow...
- a flaw in the Python model is you do not have access to the index
- second flaw, is off-by-one indexing
I find the index handy because sometimes I want to "look ahead" or "look behind" the element currently selected ... therefore I sometimes need the index.
this ''each'' version uses existing OE/Phix syntax
be well
11. Re: [Phix] Language Feature Request: For Each
- Posted by euphoric (admin) Dec 13, 2021
I guess it's really just syntactic sugar.
sequence s = {1,2,3,4,5} integer i = length(s) for x=1 to i do ?s[x] end for -- vs sequence s = {1,2,3,4,5} each i in s do ?i end each -- each without specifying iterating variable type is default object sequence s = {1,2,3,4,5} each integer i in s do ?i end each
Each one produces the exact same output.
12. Re: [Phix] Language Feature Request: For Each
- Posted by _tom (admin) Dec 13, 2021
Why "for i"? (It seems redundant.)
There has to be an index (how else do you suggest it iterates down a sequence?),
I guess I'm not sure why it has to be user-facing. Sure, you have an index behind-the-scenes, but I, as a user, don't ever need it with this construct.
See tom's Python example. No user-facing index variable...
- { i, key, value }
does give you a user facing index
- if you follow the pattern
{} implies do not enter the loop
be well _tom
13. Re: [Phix] Language Feature Request: For Each
- Posted by euphoric (admin) Dec 13, 2021
- a flaw in the Python model is you do not have access to the index
That's not a flaw; it's by design. This isn't the loop you use if you want the index. (Or use your own index...)
integer c = 1 -- if you want the index, here you go each i in {1,2,3,4,5} ?i c+=1 -- increment the index end each
I find the index handy because sometimes I want to "look ahead" or "look behind" the element currently selected ... therefore I sometimes need the index.
In that case, you would not use each. You would use for. Each is syntactical sugar for a for loop where you don't need the index, just the item at the index.
14. Re: [Phix] Language Feature Request: For Each
- Posted by _tom (admin) Dec 13, 2021
I guess it's really just syntactic sugar.
sequence s = {1,2,3,4,5} integer i = length(s) for x=1 to i do ?s[x] end for -- vs sequence s = {1,2,3,4,5} each i in s do ?i end each -- each without specifying iterating variable type is default object sequence s = {1,2,3,4,5} each integer i in s do ?i end each
Each one produces the exact same output.
- yes, it is sugar
- yes, it avoids standard boiler plate
your observation shows that a novice would recognize the "each" and "for" statements as being related
be well
15. Re: [Phix] Language Feature Request: For Each
- Posted by petelomax Dec 17, 2021
OK, First off I concede, must try harder to allow an optionally anonymous iterator/control var (we'll see).
On "overloading for": Compared to
for i=1 to n do
I don't consider
for i=1 to n by 2 do
to be any form of overloading, and likewise
for e in s do
is equally not what I would really consider overloading [or particularly confusing] either.
There may however be a case for a new construct to iterate over a dictionary, say, and
that would probably justify a different keyword, I'll tentatively reserve "each".
(Noting that dictionaries do not have any syntatic sugar at all to help with them, as yet.)
I have spent the last couple of days seriously considering such monstrosities as
for string s, integer n in {"one",1,"two",2} by 2 do for {string s, integer n} in {{"one",1},{"two",2}} do for {string s, t} in {"one","uno","two","duo"} by 2 do for {string s, t} in {{"one","uno"},{"two","duo"}} [by 1] do for {string s} in {"one","two"} by 1 do -- (crashes?) for string s in {"one","two"} [by 1] do -- (ok?) for {string s} in {{"one"},{"two"}} [by 1] do -- (ok?) for i,j,k in {1,2} by 2 do -- (iterator + 2*elements???) for j,k in {1,2} by 2 do -- (erm, anonymous iterator???)
However the bit between "for" and "in" cannot be dynamic like the "by" can anyway,
(I started having weird ideas that "by 2" etc should start chopping out slices...)
and it is probably better to keep the former simple/single var, with eg:
sequence en_sp = {"one","uno","two","duo"} for i,string s in en_sp by 2 do string t = en_sp[i+1] -- or for en_sp in {{"one","uno"},{"two","duo"}} do {string s, t} = en_sp
being the way to go and perfectly sufficient and far better than trying to squidge
different constructs between the "for" and "in" with iffy "by" handling. Thoughts?
I am now thinking that a (non-1) by clause precludes an inline literal constant,
since it would make all the intermediate elements completely inaccessible.
Lastly it is now abundantly clear the "element" should default to object type,
it would just be pointless and far too annoying to have it be anything else.
Likewise, it now obviously must be allowed for e to pre-exist or not (wwit?).
16. Re: [Phix] Language Feature Request: For Each
- Posted by _tom (admin) Dec 17, 2021
consider expanding the ''in'' pattern
sequence s = {"one","two","three"} while ( x in s ) do ? x end while
"one" "two" "three"
for (x in s ) do
17. Re: [Phix] Language Feature Request: For Each
- Posted by petelomax Dec 17, 2021
while ( x in s ) do
I would intuitively assume that meant/was the same as
while find(x,s) do
and expect others would do too...?