1. number vs atom
- Posted by petelomax Jan 16, 2021
The next version of Phix will have number as an alias for atom.
Have no fear, legacy code that uses atom will continue to be supported no matter what, forever.
The Core Language page looks much better with number.
Three options:
A) As shown, add "Note that the rest of the documentation and all examples use "atom" for compatibility with Euphoria.", plus maybe 5 "number ok too" notes, done.
B) Replace all use of atom in docs (1,745, plus maybe 5 "atom still fine" notes), code (22,000), and rosettacode (1,277).
C) Replace docs, but the rest ad-hoc.
Option B would of course make all Phix-sourced code incompatible with Euphoria, and C a slower more painful drawn out death.
2. Re: number vs atom
- Posted by _tom (admin) Jan 16, 2021
For wikipedia and maybe intro tutorials I say use number (because it is less abstract than atom). Show that "traditional" atom works.
Once you start real programming, use atom because you type fewer characters.
Every now and then, show that either works; but keep atom. Result is no rewrite of the docs.
be well
3. Re: number vs atom
- Posted by irv Jan 16, 2021
I agree with _tom, it isn't necessary to change anything except the "beginner tutorial" to clarify the fact that atoms are numbers. I'm not typing 'number' when I know 'atom' is the same thing!