1. wxDirDialog documentation errors

I was not able to provide a default directory to wxDirDialog until I understood the documentation was wrong. It writes:

Creation Parameters 
    atom parent 
    sequence message [= "Choose a directory"] 
    integer style [= 0] 
    integer x [= -1] 
    integer y [= -1] 
    integer cx [= -1] 
    integer cy [= -1] 
    sequence defaultPath [= ""]  

It should have been written this way:

Creation Parameters 
    atom parent 
    sequence message [= "Choose a directory"] 
    sequence defaultPath [= ""]  
    integer style [= 0] 

Following lines have to be added to wxeud.e:

        wxDD_CHANGE_DIR      = 0x0100, 
        wxDD_DIR_MUST_EXIST  = 0x0200, 

Here is an example of usage:

  DirDialog = create( wxDirDialog, {win, "Select folder", "c:\\temp", 
                wxDD_DEFAULT_STYLE + wxDD_DIR_MUST_EXIST}) 
  -- get the folder name 
  if show_modal( DirDialog ) then 
    folderName = get_dir_path( DirDialog ) 
    set_status_text(sb, "No Folder Selected", 2) 
  end if 


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