1. Redy on github!

I decided to use github to host the Redy source code for now. It can be found at https://github.com/redy-project. Anyone is welcome to join the development team. I am still in the process of putting the current source code on there, as well as writing rough draft wiki pages. The source code is going through major reorganization right now, so don't expect it to be easy to run or understand any time soon. blink It may take a couple months before the next official release is redy, err, uh, ready.

There are 3 repositories for now:

  • RedyLib - core libraries and demo applications for the Redy environment (this is my current focus)
  • RedyCode - Integrated Development Environment for the Euphoria programming language and the Redy environment (i will work on this more after the RedyLib API is closer to being "frozen")
  • RedyShell - applications and libraries that provide a shell for the redy environment (this is still just a concept in my mind, which i will explain later.)
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2. Re: Redy on github!

Update: the redylib source code and some demo apps are available now! You should be able to run them with no hacks if you have a "correctly installed" euphoria 4.1.0 32-bit in windows.

I know, i really need to document the API...

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3. Re: Redy on github!

Redy now has basic toolbar functionality and tabs! I started writing a little text editor demo.


This is a test app for the gui/objects/textedit.e library, which can do line numbers, syntax highlighting, and wordwrap. It uses pure euphoria code, including the openeuphoria syntax tokenizer. It can update highlighting on-the-fly as you type. Unfortunately, it has bugs that need to be fixed before it can be used in the real world.

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4. Re: Redy on github!

ryanj said...

Update: the redylib source code and some demo apps are available now! You should be able to run them with no hacks if you have a "correctly installed" euphoria 4.1.0 32-bit in windows.

I know, i really need to document the API...

windows only: still works with an older 4.0x, might have problems in 64 bit though. probably not too hard to fix.

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