1. AIO installer problem

I tried to install with the AIO installer and it crashes with the following message:

/home/duro/data/euphoria/wxeu/install_AIO.ex:12 in procedure logMsg()  
variable <no-name> has not been assigned a value  
... called from /home/duro/data/euphoria/wxeu/install_AIO.ex:1  
--> See ex.err  

Running the source code below is working now, no immediate crash yet. It looks the problem is only in the binary.


Forked from Re: Is there any chance of a .deb file for wxEuphoria?

jmduro said...
SDPringle said...

[Jean-Marc, Does it install more than the OpenEuphoria standard package or does it install everything? Looking at distrowatch.org, I see the top three distributions use apt-get (Mint, Ubuntu, and Debian). This is encouraging for me.


Hi Shawn,

It does following:

  • check that user is connected as root
  • install all packages listed in file dependencies.txt
  • create the target directory (only one level, no mkdir -p but this could be changed)
  • untar the archive containing a preinstalled OpenEuphoria 4.1 plus wxEuphoria include file and libraries, plus my own include files
  • update and apply environment variables (PATH, EUDIR, EUINC)

Here is the code of the version I used for the 32-bit package installer:

include std/filesys.e 
include std/error.e 
include std/io.e 
include std/pipeio.e as pipe 
object   void = 0 
sequence InitialDir 
integer  f_debug 
public procedure logMsg(sequence msg) 
  puts(f_debug, msg & "\n") 
  puts(1, msg & "\n") 
end procedure 
public function execCommand(sequence cmd) 
  sequence s = "" 
  object z = pipe:create() 
  object p = pipe:exec(cmd, z) 
  if atom(p) then 
    printf(2, "Failed to exec() with error %x\n", pipe:error_no()) 
	return -1 
  end if 
  object c = pipe:read(p[pipe:STDOUT], 256) 
  while sequence(c) and length(c) do 
    s &= c 
    if atom(c) then 
	  printf(2, "Failed on read with error %x\n", pipe:error_no()) 
	  return -1 
    end if 
    c = pipe:read(p[pipe:STDOUT], 256) 
  end while 
  --Close pipes and make sure process is terminated 
  return s 
end function 
function isInstalled(sequence package) 
  sequence s = execCommand("dpkg-query -s " & package & " | grep Status") 
  if length(s) and match("ok installed", s) then 
    return 1 
    return 0 
  end if 
end function 
procedure installIfNot(sequence package) 
  if isInstalled(package) then 
    logMsg(package & " already installed") 
    logMsg("apt-get install -y " & package) 
    sequence s = execCommand("apt-get install -y " & package) 
  end if 
end procedure 
  sequence cmd = command_line() 
  sequence targetDirectory = "/usr/local/euphoria-4.1.0" 
  integer lg = length(cmd) 
  if lg < 3 then 
    logMsg("Usage: install_AIO [<target directory>]") 
    logMsg("Using default target directory: /usr/local/euphoria-4.1.0") 
    targetDirectory = cmd[3] 
  end if 
  sequence info = pathinfo(cmd[2]) 
  void = chdir(info[PATH_DIR]) 
  InitialDir = current_dir() 
  f_debug = open(InitialDir&SLASH&info[PATH_BASENAME]&".log", "w") 
  -- verify user is root 
  sequence s = execCommand("id") 
  if not match("uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groupes=0(root)", s) then 
    logMsg("Need to be run as root") 
  end if 
  -- install dependencies 
  s = read_lines(InitialDir&SLASH&"dependencies.txt") 
  for i = 1 to length(s) do 
  end for 
  -- install OpenEuphoria 4.1 
  s = execCommand("mkdir "&targetDirectory) 
  s = execCommand("tar -xvf "&InitialDir&SLASH&"eu41.tgz -C "&targetDirectory) 
  -- update environment variables 
  if append_lines("/etc/bash.bashrc", { 
    "export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:"&targetDirectory&"/bin",  
    "export EUDIR="&targetDirectory, 
    "export EUINC="&targetDirectory&"/include/" 
  }) = -1 then 
    logMsg("Failed to append lines to /etc/bash.bashrc") 
  end if 
  -- apply environment variables 
  s = execCommand(". "&SLASH&"/etc/bash.bashrc") 



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2. Re: AIO installer problem

SDPringle said...

Running the source code below is working now, no immediate crash yet. It looks [like] the problem is only in the binary.

If you call logMsg() before opening f_debug, that'll do it. Try running the source without specifying a directory on the command line.

integer f_debug 
procedure logMsg() 
end procedure 
  sequence cmd = command_line() 
  integer lg = length(cmd) 
  if lg < 3 then 
  end if 
  f_debug = 5 -- open(...) 
  -- close(f_debug) 


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3. Re: AIO installer problem

It seems that I wasn't clear when I described what happened.

I had already installed 4.1 via a complicated process of backups, eubins and mercurial. After this, I downloaded AIO installer: I ran it as root. The installer didn't work. The installer is some kind of bound or compiled binary.

I grabbed the source that was posted in the thread this is forked from and that did work. I don't need any help modifying the source to get it working because the source code did work.

The problem is these AIO installers are on the front page of Open Euphoria and are apparently broken versions of the working source code.

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4. Re: AIO installer problem

Excuse me for trying to be helpful. There is a very obvious (to me) bug in that code you posted.

What I should have done is kept my trap shut, and wait for someone to take your word for the fact there was no problem in the source code, so try a rebuild, re-upload, and watch it still crash.


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5. Re: AIO installer problem

I am sorry for offending you Pete. And, you were right about the bug. I guess there are two source code listings in the thread and for this post I copied and pasted the wrong one. No wonder you saw a bug when the code was working!

The one I actually run copied from my editor was:

include std/filesys.e  
include std/error.e  
include std/io.e  
include std/pipeio.e as pipe  
object   void = 0  
sequence InitialDir  
integer  f_debug  
public function execCommand(sequence cmd)  
  sequence s = ""  
  object z = pipe:create()  
  object p = pipe:exec(cmd, z)  
  if atom(p) then  
    printf(2, "Failed to exec() with error %x\n", pipe:error_no())  
	return -1  
  end if  
  object c = pipe:read(p[pipe:STDOUT], 256)  
  while sequence(c) and length(c) do  
    s &= c  
    if atom(c) then  
	  printf(2, "Failed on read with error %x\n", pipe:error_no())  
	  return -1  
    end if  
    c = pipe:read(p[pipe:STDOUT], 256)  
  end while  
  --Close pipes and make sure process is terminated  
  return s  
end function  
function isInstalled(sequence package)  
  sequence s = execCommand("dpkg-query -s " & package & " | grep Status")  
  if length(s) and match("ok installed", s) then  
    return 1  
    return 0  
  end if  
end function  
procedure installIfNot(sequence package)  
  if isInstalled(package) then  
    puts(2, package & " already installed\n")  
    puts(2, "apt-get install -y " & package & "\n")  
    sequence s = execCommand("apt-get install -y " & package)  
    puts(2, s & "\n")  
  end if  
end procedure  
  sequence cmd = command_line()  
  integer lg = length(cmd)  
  if lg>2 then  
    puts(1, "Usage: eui install_AIO.ex\n")  
  end if  
  sequence info = pathinfo(cmd[2])  
  void = chdir(info[PATH_DIR])  
  InitialDir = current_dir()  
  f_debug = open(InitialDir&SLASH&info[PATH_BASENAME]&".log", "w")  
  sequence s = read_lines(InitialDir&SLASH&"dependencies.txt")  
  for i = 1 to length(s) do  
  end for  
  s = execCommand("tar -xf "&InitialDir&SLASH&"eu41.tgz -C /usr/local/euphoria-4.1.0")  
  if append_lines("/etc/bash.bashrc", {  
    "export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/euphoria-4.1.0/bin",   
    "export EUDIR=/usr/local/euphoria-4.1.0",  
    "export EUINC=/usr/local/euphoria-4.1.0/include/"  
  }) = -1 then  
    puts(2, "Failed to append lines to /etc/bash.bashrc\nAre you connected as root?\n")  
  end if  
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6. Re: AIO installer problem

SDPringle said...

I am sorry for offending you Pete

No worries

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7. Re: AIO installer problem

SDPringle said...

I tried to install with the AIO installer and it crashes with the following message:

/home/duro/data/euphoria/wxeu/install_AIO.ex:12 in procedure logMsg()  
variable <no-name> has not been assigned a value  
... called from /home/duro/data/euphoria/wxeu/install_AIO.ex:1  
--> See ex.err  

Running the source code below is working now, no immediate crash yet. It looks the problem is only in the binary.


Sure there is a problem: /home/duro is my home directory. Yours should be different.

I have to check if somewhere during compilation full pathnames are used instead of relative ones or references to environment variables.



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8. Re: AIO installer problem

jmduro said...

Sure there is a problem: /home/duro is my home directory. Yours should be different.

I have to check if somewhere during compilation full pathnames are used instead of relative ones or references to environment variables.



OK I understand now. I wrote in a file which pathname was defined later (InitialDir). I should not have used logMsg before I defined InitialDir and as Pete wrote before I opened f_debug.



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