1. EuSTUDIO (a kind of OpenEuphoria Visual Studio)
- Posted by Raul Sep 16, 2012
- Last edited Oct 12, 2012
I just want to let you know that I am working in a WYSIWYG developer envoironment for the GNU/Linux and FreeBSD versions of OE. It's based in EuGtk for creating graphical apps and UDS for console/terminal apps. Under FreeBSD is not yet running but I hope it will soon.
UDS is under development. It's a dinamic library and *.e include with an api for text-mode widgets. It tries to emulate newt, cdialog, borland turbovision, ncurses, etc.
Your comments, contributions and suggestions are welcomed. Please, visit my website and post whatever you may think about this project. Thanks
2. Re: OpenEuphoria Visual Studio (EuGtk)
- Posted by mattlewis (admin) Sep 16, 2012
Your comments, contributions and suggestions are welcomed. Please, visit my website and post whatever you may think about this project. Thanks
This looks great! I'd be worried about trademark issues with Microsoft, however.
3. Re: OpenEuphoria Visual Studio (EuGtk)
- Posted by EUWX Sep 16, 2012
Your comments, contributions and suggestions are welcomed. Please, visit my website and post whatever you may think about this project. Thanks
This looks great! I'd be worried about trademark issues with Microsoft, however.
He could get away with OpenEuphoria "Visual GTKStudio" without the big guy hounding him for trademark violation.
4. Re: OpenEuphoria Visual Studio (EuGtk)
- Posted by CoJaBo2 Sep 16, 2012
Indeed, Visual Studio is a registered trademark of Microsoft- I've actually come across this in at least one other project. You cannot use that name, even if you put "GTK" before "Studio". It might be unwise to use, say, Visual EuGTK either, as it still suggests a connection with Microsoft's Visual "X" line of products. The best option would be to just forget the "Visual X" naming format altogether and come up with a unique name.
I've also noticed that site is quite slow to load; it takes just short of one minute from this machine.
5. Re: OpenEuphoria Visual Studio (EuGtk)
- Posted by Raul Sep 16, 2012
thanks guys for the feedback,
I will have to pick up another name then. I don´t want to be suited! Any way, what if we plainly call it "Visual Euphoria"? You can`t register an adjective that appears in a dictionary! well, at least in my country.
Any proposition is welcomed:
QuickEuphoria, OE-X, X-Designer for OE, X-Edit, X-Euphoria, X-Mangose, Visual-X ... I never thought it was so difficult to pick up a name!
the website certainly sometimes loads slowly, I will check for any problem.
6. Re: OpenEuphoria Visual Studio (EuGtk)
- Posted by EUWX Sep 16, 2012
"EuStudio" is short and to the point.
7. Re: OpenEuphoria Visual Studio (EuGtk)
- Posted by CoJaBo2 Sep 17, 2012
Naming a project can be... Hard. You have to pick something unambiguous and not trademarked. Ideally, you should also get the .com domain name for it.
Microsoft has a product line called Visual [name of language]. If "Visual Euphoria" ever caught on enough for them to notice it, they could make the argument that customers could confuse your project with theirs, leading to unpleasant legal headaches and having to rename an already released product.
On the other hand, EuStudio would probably be ok, as it doesn't have that same kind of resemblance. That's not to say its the best possible name tho, but i don't have any better ideas..
8. Re: OpenEuphoria Visual Studio (EuGtk)
- Posted by ArthurCrump Sep 17, 2012
I don't think Microsoft would be able to claim any copyright on Studio because there have been other Studio products around for years. For example Corel's VideoStudio and Sony's MovieStudio.
9. Re: OpenEuphoria Visual Studio (EuGtk)
- Posted by SDPringle Sep 17, 2012
'Visual' is descriptive but 'Studio' hardly is. I can see 'Visual EUPHORIA' working out but not 'EUPHORIA Studio'.
10. Re: OpenEuphoria Visual Studio (EuGtk)
- Posted by SDPringle Sep 17, 2012
One thing I wish I saw in most of my programs is dynamic automatic short-cut-key assignment. When ever I repeat a series of actions in the same order I would like to see a little short cut baloon popup telling me, hey you can do what you just did now with 'Cntrl+R'. So, whereas now, I may use several repeated pull-down menu actions to say re-encode some audio file, it could just give me a hot-key when it sees me doing something twice in a row. This means recording the events and seeing the longest repeating string and leaving all or some letters for dynamic short-cuts.
Another one is edit a variable name at its declaration and the editor could modify all instances in the same scope and only in the same scope.
Another is Editor assistance for coding standards: Let the editor indent the stuff for you. Let the coder just think about the stuff between the whitespace.
These ideas are public domain and not patentable because I published them here, right?
Shawn Pringle
11. Re: OpenEuphoria Visual Studio (EuGtk)
- Posted by mattlewis (admin) Sep 17, 2012
One thing I wish I saw in most of my programs is dynamic automatic short-cut-key assignment. When ever I repeat a series of actions in the same order I would like to see a little short cut baloon popup telling me, hey you can do what you just did now with 'Cntrl+R'. So, whereas now, I may use several repeated pull-down menu actions to say re-encode some audio file, it could just give me a hot-key when it sees me doing something twice in a row. This means recording the events and seeing the longest repeating string and leaving all or some letters for dynamic short-cuts.
Sounds like proactive macro recording.
Another one is edit a variable name at its declaration and the editor could modify all instances in the same scope and only in the same scope.
Yes, many IDEs do this as part of their refactoring suite of tools. It's very useful. Also handy is to be able to highlight a block of code and then pull it out as a new routine.
Another is Editor assistance for coding standards: Let the editor indent the stuff for you. Let the coder just think about the stuff between the whitespace.
This is also a common IDE feature. Of course, you have to make it configurable to satisfy everyone on either side of that holy war.
These ideas are public domain and not patentable because I published them here, right?
Heh. Probably covered by prior art.
12. OT: Re: OpenEuphoria Visual Studio (EuGtk)
- Posted by jimcbrown (admin) Sep 17, 2012
These ideas are public domain and not patentable because I published them here, right?
They're so vague (they don't describe the business method / physical implementation / software implementation) that I suspect they would not be patentable anyways...
But I am not a patent laywer or troll.
A forum might do it for copyright, but for patents? To be safe I'd recommend getting the idea in a published book (hardcopy) and/or in the academic literature... something that patent reviewrs regularly check out.
In general, I'd also recommend trying to publish as far and as wide as possible.
13. OT: Re: OpenEuphoria Visual Studio (EuGtk)
- Posted by Raul Oct 08, 2012
Thank you folks for your comments,
I think that EuStudio is a nice name, thanks for who suggested it.
The name of the website now is http://eustudio.sanitux.com. I will post updates here and there. Thanks.
I am trying to perform OE tests under GNU/Linux Fedora 15 to 17, CentOS 6.3, FreeBSD 9.0 and NetBSD 6.0 RC2 to make it run and see what I get. Cheers. Raúl
14. OT: Re: OpenEuphoria Visual Studio (EuGtk)
- Posted by Raul Oct 08, 2012
I still have to change the logo though
15. OT: Re: OpenEuphoria Visual Studio (EuGtk)
- Posted by Lone_EverGreen_Ranger Oct 12, 2012
Looks pretty cool. How come no Windows port? Maybe using wxEuphoria would allow it to be truely cross-platform.
16. OT: Re: OpenEuphoria Visual Studio (EuGtk)
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Oct 12, 2012
Looks pretty cool. How come no Windows port? Maybe using wxEuphoria would allow it to be truely cross-platform.
I'm already working on that: The Euphoria IDE Project
My project is also targeting a general-purpose Euphoria IDE, not just wxEuphoria.
Ideally, you'll be able to have a GUI designer for any toolkit, given the proper bindings are written to allow it.
17. OT: Re: OpenEuphoria Visual Studio (EuGtk)
- Posted by Raul Oct 12, 2012
The problem is that EuGTK doesn't works with Gtk dll's for Windows (AFAIK) If it could, it would be easy to make a cross-platform designer. Some time ago I tried wxEuphoria but it's *too* complex to make it work among such a variety of linuxes that I switched to EuGtk. Previous versions of EuGTK/Llama 1.2, 2.0 worked under FreeBSD. FreeBSD was my main developing platform.
The idea is that the IDE shall produce both euGtk and win32lib source code for cross-platform developing. Of course, right now I'm just focusing on GNU and BSD platforms with Gtk 3.x libraries. Win32 support (under GNU/bsd) will come later. It will use the Wine compatibility layer to run OE for windows and the compiler and produce MS Windows executables or dll's. Of course, it's just a theory. I am not too much on to cross-platform programming, but I guess that the gcc compiler has such capability (cross-compiling) so maybe it would be possible to compile directly without using Wine's emulation if I had the right knowledge of gcc and cross-platform architecture.
But for the moment, euStudio just works under GNU/linux and I am working to make it run under freeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD.
I basically develop Healthcare/scientific software for GNU and Unix, but I need a good wysiwyg tool for fastest development of different projects I have in mind. In this quest to get my dream state-of-the-art IDE I started euStudio, and I hope that in a time it will became useful for the OpenEuphoria community, specially for people with linux/unix interests.
18. OT: Re: OpenEuphoria Visual Studio (EuGtk)
- Posted by Lone_EverGreen_Ranger Oct 12, 2012
I see. Well I hope both projects come to be. How is Euphoria IDE project coming along?
19. OT: Re: OpenEuphoria Visual Studio (EuGtk)
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Oct 12, 2012
I see. Well I hope both projects come to be. How is Euphoria IDE project coming along?
Well, I tried posting an update but that never showed up on the forum.
There's a lot of back-filling required on adding the necessary components to wxEuphoria before I can actually start working on an the real IDE project. Although, if anything, it's motivation to get an update to wxEuphoria out soon.
20. OT: Re: OpenEuphoria Visual Studio (EuGtk)
- Posted by Raul Oct 13, 2012
I have just changed the project logo. It has a clear resemblance to the OpenEuphoria.org banner. Is there any problem with this?
21. OT: Re: OpenEuphoria Visual Studio (EuGtk)
- Posted by irv Oct 13, 2012
EuGtk works with gtk for windows 'fairly well', but not 100% And the real problem is that not many Windows users would be willing or able to add the gtk DLLs.
22. OT: Re: OpenEuphoria Visual Studio (EuGtk)
- Posted by Raul Oct 13, 2012
Thanks Irv! Great news then I will get the gtk libraries for MS Windows to see how it works. regards
23. OT: Re: OpenEuphoria Visual Studio (EuGtk)
- Posted by Raul Oct 14, 2012
Just a question Irv, the binary GTK+ 2.24 Windows 32-bit dll's will work with your latest EuGtk or do I need to build them from the GTK 3.x source code?
Thank you,
There's a bunch of packages to download!
GTK+ individual packages Package Version Downloads GLib 2.28.8 Run-time Dev Sources ATK 1.32.0 Run-time Dev Sources Pango 1.29.4 Run-time Dev Sources gdk-pixbuf 2.24.0 Run-time Dev Sources GTK+ 2.24.10 Run-time Dev Sources Required third party dependencies The run-time packages here are required by the GTK+ stack. Package Version Downloads zlib 1.2.5 Run-time Dev Sources cairo 1.10.2 Run-time Dev Sources libpng 1.4.3 Run-time Dev Freetype 2.4.2 Run-time Dev Sources Fontconfig 2.8.0 Run-time Dev Sources expat 2.0.1 Run-time Dev gettext-runtime Run-time Dev Sources Other third party software These packages are not needed to run software that uses just GTK+, or to develop such software. These packages are used when building and running more complex applications. Package Version Downloads pixman 0.24.0 Dev Sources pkg-config 0.26 Tool Dev Sources gettext-tools Dev Sources
24. OT: Re: OpenEuphoria Visual Studio (EuGtk)
- Posted by irv Oct 15, 2012
Andreas has solved the problem. To quote:
Hallo, i found a pre-compiled setup here on this Webpage http://opensourcepack.blogspot.de/p/pygobject-pygi-aio.html It's Version 3.3.6
I also found pre-compiled binaries on the OpenSuse Server. http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/windows:/mingw:/win32/SLE_11_SP1/noarch/
I didn't have to change much to make things working this far (but I do not really know GTK) so it's more a 'hack' than programming ;) Don't expect too much.
I have uploaded the changed files to here http://euphoria.indonesianet.de/eugtk_w32.zip
You should set GTK_PATH to the bin directory (where all the .dll's are)
I tried the first url and loaded it into Windows 7, with Andreas' eugtk_w32 files. Took a small amount of tinkering, but most demos work fine.
25. OT: Re: OpenEuphoria Visual Studio (EuGtk)
- Posted by andi49 Oct 18, 2012
here you will find a 'hopefully' working setup for windows.
But for myself it think GTK 3 is 'NOT' Crossplattform, until there is an official release.
Compiling GTK 3 yourself will endup in a fulltimejob and is really a PITA (on Windows).
This is just my opinion.
26. OT: Re: OpenEuphoria Visual Studio (EuGtk)
- Posted by Raul Oct 23, 2012
Thanks Andreas.
I'll check it out and see how it runs. regards
27. OT: Re: OpenEuphoria Visual Studio (EuGtk)
- Posted by Raul Oct 23, 2012
By the way, I casually discovered that installing Gimp for Windows will also install all the GTK+ libraries with all the dependencies and such. thanks