Re: wee // LNX WEE 0.48m

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_tom said...

Minutia: include the 32 ( in addition to the 64bit scintilla).

Wee runs after that small addition.


It seems I somehow adopted the notion that LYNX WEE would only run on 64-bit.

Shouldn't this routine automatically include, if needed? If so all I need to do is correct the erroneous assertions that LNX WEE requires a 54-bit LNX distro.

-- scintilla.e 
sequence dll, send_message 
ifdef WINDOWS then 
  ifdef BITS64 then 
    dll = "scintilla\\SciLexer64.dll" 
    dll = "scintilla\\SciLexer.dll" 
  end ifdef 
  send_message = "Scintilla_DirectFunction" 
  ifdef OSX then 
    dll = "scintilla/scintillaOSX.dylib" 
  elsifdef BITS64 then 
    dll = "scintilla/" 
  elsifdef ARM then 
    dll = "scintilla/" 
    dll = "scintilla/" 
  end ifdef 
  send_message = "scintilla_send_message" 
end ifdef 
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