1. Attn: Jame Cook re: ed.ex macro mod

The following changes will allow your revised version of ed.ex to run much more efficiently under Linux/Unix

The edit to the function clean(sequence line) is absolutely necessary if you are editing a file that was created under DOS. I have posted this "bug" many, many times to no avail. If you do not make the change listed below, the CR empty lines in generic DOS code files will not be stripped and your program will not run. You will have to use some other editor to remove the CR or manually delete each offending line in edx.ex/ed.ex or you modified version of ed.ex.

-- insert at beginning of code  
-- immediately after declarations: 
constant TRUE = 1, 
		 FALSE = 0		  
-- insert: 
-- patch to fix Linux screen positioning 
-- I think this is J Brown's code: 
procedure get_real_text_starting_position()  
		sequence sss = ""  
		integer ccc  
		puts(1, 27&"[6n")  
		while 1 do  
			ccc = get_key()  
			if ccc = 'R' then  
			end if  
			if ccc != -1 then  
				sss &= ccc  
			end if  
		end while  
		sss = sss[3..$]  
		sequence aa, bb  
		aa = value(sss[1..find(';', sss)-1])  
		bb = value(sss[find(';', sss)+1..$])  
		position(aa[2], bb[2])  
end procedure  
ifdef LINUX then  
end ifdef                 
-- in  
function clean(sequence line) 
-- replace 
if length(line) > 2 and line[$-1] = '\r' then 
if length(line) > 1 and line[$-1] = '\r' then 

Thanks for sharing your interesting "macro enabled" version of edx.ex/ed.ex with us!

Regards, Ken

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